Donut Team Players,
As we approach 2018, we're going to be shifting gears into how we handle content we release. Because of this change, we will be retiring various content that we either no longer suppo
As we approach 2018, we're going to be shifting gears into how we handle content we release. Because of this change, we will be retiring various content that we either no longer support, maintain or feel are appropriate for our brand.
We understand the community may not be happy with this decision. This decision was made after long discussions of how we should handle and make content going forward. This is why similar content was not released this year.
The following content is available until January 1st, 2018 by downloading the "
Donut Team Retired Mod Pack":
- Diddy Kong Racing: Jungle Falls
- Mario Kart: Luigi Circuit
- The Falcon Pack
- Minecraft Pack
- Tower Tooth
- The Planet Express Ship Car
- Trevor's Canis Bodhi
- Lamborgotti DT760
- Half-Life 2 Airboat
- The Patty Wagon
- Halo Warthog
- The PAYDAY Pack
The following content is not part of the "Donut Team Retired Mod Pack" and will be removed on January 1st, 2018:
- Road Rage Returns Music - This mod has had persistent issues and we would rather remove it while we look into alternative ways to provide you with the best experience possible.
We would love to hear your feedback on our decision so we can continue to have an open and positive discussion about how our community evolves. We thank you for understanding and can't wait to release even more content next year.
Donut Team
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Swifty Stardust Will there at least be mirrors of this content? I don't really understand why it all needs to be rendered completely unavailable.
Will there at least be mirrors of this content? I don't really understand why it all needs to be rendered completely unavailable.
Swifty Stardust Like, what if somebody has a hard drive crash or something? In that scenario, are we just shit out of luck?
Like, what if somebody has a hard drive crash or something? In that scenario, are we just s*** out of luck?
Fluffy You can add it to a cloud hosting service and keep it forever or someone else can rehost it. The point of this removal is to eliminate it from our line up as we no longer support, maintain or feel its
You can add it to a cloud hosting service and keep it forever or someone else can rehost it. The point of this removal is to eliminate it from our line up as we no longer support, maintain or feel its appropriate for our brand. You're free to do whatever you want with it going forward and most of the mods (if not all) are decompilable.
Donut Team Update (22 December 2017)
All of the affected downloads have been removed (excluding Road Rage Returns Music).
Don't worry, there's still time to get this content. All we've done is r
Update (22 December 2017)
All of the affected downloads have been removed (excluding
Road Rage Returns Music).
Don't worry, there's still time to get this content. All we've done is removed their individual pages and merged them into the "
Donut Team Retired Mod Pack". This pack features every mod affected, excluding Road Rage Returns Music. You will be able to easily add them to your mod launcher or cloud storage solution (such as Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive)
The Donut Team Retired Mod Pack will still be removed on January 1st, 2018. Road Rage Returns Music will also be removed on January 1st, 2018; however considering it's large size, we decided not to include it in this mod pack.
We thank you for your support and understanding as we continue to better ourselves as creators. We understand your frustration and will continue to find new ways to make up for it.
Donut Team