As of January 1st, 2018, we have stopped hosting the following downloads:
- Road Rage Returns Music
- Diddy Kong Racing: Jungle Falls
- Mario Kart: Luigi Circuit
- The Falcon Pack
- Minecraft Pack
- Tower Tooth
- The Planet Express Ship Car
- Trevor's Canis Bodhi
- Lamborgotti DT760
- Half-Life 2 Airboat
- The Patty Wagon
- Halo Warthog
- The PAYDAY Pack
We understand the community may not be happy with this decision. This decision was made after long discussions of how we should handle and make content going forward.
We will not be hosting this content going forward and encourage our users to keep it stored in a cloud hosting solution such as Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive. Thanks for your cooperation.
Donut Team