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LAN Parties??

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Hello there Donnutters, So I Installed Simpsons Hit & Run and played For a while yesterday, today in 7th Period, my teacher gave the OK and said I could play in class, It's one of those "Social" classes. Anyway after installing everyone made a donutteam account and had their tokens in the launcher, problem is Hit and Run said it couldn't connect to donut teams servers, So I was wondering, IF there is a way to play on a Local-Area Network Server, Me and my friends want to have some FUN!!!
Hi, we'll discuss this with Lucas and see if we can come up with any solution.

Is Donut Team's website (either or the forum) blocked at your school?

We've been against giving our server out for various reasons, but there may be other solutions.


Did you get this message:

You could also try clicking "Server", you can change "Host" to
No, neither or are blocked at my school, I also got neither of those messages, the launcher works fine when we input our donut team tokens, when we specify the path to "Simpsons.exe" the command prompt appears and says "MULTIPLAYER: Connecting" after about 10 seconds it says "Failed to start connecting..." I've tried connecting to the IP Address you've been kind enough to provide, but it does the same thing, iv'e tried changing host to the computers internal IP Address, thinking LAN Was maybe already a feature, but it said "Failed to start connecting..." Instantly. I also tried changing the port from "7777" to "9666" Which is the port used by Ultrasurf, a Proxy server we use often. Not even that worked. It's too bad though, I really wanted to play with my friends. Also something worth noting was that the page that displays "Who's playing" stayed stuck on "Connecting to server..." Unless we used Ultrasurf, we still can'take play in-game though, LAN Parties, would be much appreciated, thanks for taking the time to address this issue.
I don't know if this will work for you, but we allowed multiplayer through the following ports, you can try them:


Direct IP:


Default: 7777
Ultrasurf: 9666
Other: 135

It may not be allowed if your school's network is blocking UDP connections, which is what most multiplayer games rely on.
Thank you! I'll have to try this at school tommorow, and see what works, thanks for taking the time to do this for me, much appreciated, also If it does work, is it possible to leave the Ultrasurf port up, or would that be intensive on the server and cost you money? But, thank you!
No worries at all! It will all be left up regardless of if it works.

Let me know how it all goes.
Oh no! It's so sad, I really wanted to play but Alas, even using Ultrasurf's port, we weren't able to get MP working, thanks for taking the time to do this though.
Sorry to hear that.

Its possible your school blocks UDP connections, which a lot of multiplayer games rely on. Are you able to play other multiplayer games?

You may be able to ask your school to allow it for our website and port.