You will need to enable Unlock All Missions, because L3 forces the credits to appear at the end.
This mod is only compatible with version 3.1.5!
Any version, newer or older, will have the normal level 4 instead of the custom one!
If you do not have a copy of 3.1.5 (as I assume most people don't) it was luckily backed up onto You can get it here.When starting level 4, you will see this error.

So, what does level 4 have in store for you? Well, I'm glad you asked! Here are some screenshots to sum up the best parts!

So, without further ado, here is the download!
It's a very small mod, so don't be surprised at the filesize.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to find a good hiding place for when Loren hunts me down for this.