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Unlock All Cards Cheat

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Yo, So I just replayed normal Simpsons Hit & Run for the first time in a bit, I can't remember how to do the
^ ^ ^ ^ 
Cheat, Doing it in the options tab during the game does nothing Even After Re-entering, On the Main Menu's Options it just crashes my game, Any help would be very good I Finished the game also...
[deleted user]
6 yrs ago (Statistics)
If you're referring to the "Unlock all Cars" cheat, you need to press F2 in the phonebooth menu to access the complete vehicle list after you've entered the cheat. The reason why the game crashed when entering the cheat in the main menu is due to a bug in the PC version of the game, but enabling the Bug Fixes hack in the mod launcher will fix this crash.

All cheat codes must be entered in the pause options menu in the vanilla game. If entered in the main options menu, the game crashes.

Max W:

I believe V0RTEX L0RD is referring to a little-known cheat code that unlocks all collector cards that can only be entered when all of the game's missions are complete. I could only find references to it in the GameFAQs page for the cheats in the Playstation 2 version and in the PR Asset Discs video on Youtube by MATTJ155.
Since I happened to have the PR Asset disc's files, I decided to go ahead and upload the cheats document to make it easier to read.

Sure enough, there is an unlock all cards cheat, and even an unlock all costumes cheat, which I was not aware of.

On PC, unlock all costumes would be Left-Right-Left-Right, and unlock all cards would be Up-Up-Up-Up from what I can tell from other cheat code conversions.

I've seen that cheat sheet. I believe the two cheats for increasing the vehicle speed are listed incorrectly on there. (XXXX makes vehicles go slightly faster and YYYY makes them go way faster).

On the topic of cheats, there is a cheat which goes (In the Xbox and Gamecube versions) AXXY. Everywhere I've seen it, the listed effect always is "Alternate credits theme", but I can't notice any difference in the credits theme after entering this. What does it do?
Because of the way the game's music system works, there is no simple way for a music track to be changed to something else. So unless an RMS file (the files that store the information on which tracks play where) is manually edited by the cheat code to use a different song, it would be impossible. My guess is just that the cheat code doesn't exist.

It does exist. I've tested it. After entering it you hear the beep sound effect. I've also heard somewhere that it makes Kang and Kodos' dialouge play in the credits, but doesn't that always play?