That's because you got out-of-bounds at the power plant, not at the blocked-off bridge by the school (although to get out of bounds there, you have to follow some specific instructions):
1. Activate the horn jump+invincibility cheat codes.
2. Drive off the ramp in the school playground that faces the bridge.
3. At the very top of said ramp, horn jump while holding the accelerator.
4. After a couple of tries, you should go over the blockage.
5. Just as you fall under the map of the odd leftovers past the blockage, press the reset vehicle key.
6. You'll spawn near the unused area and can drive around it. If you go out far enough, two odd music tracks can be found.
Level 7 Unused Rich Side Loading
Posted in The Simpsons: Hit & Run
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Addy CoughE:
That's because you got out-of-bounds at the power plant, not at the blocked-off bridge by the school (although to get out of bounds there, you have to follow some specific instructio
[deleted user]
Why would they try and make it look more "complete" if they knew the place was done for?
Have you heard about a "technique" when game devs "decorate" inaccessible le
Have you heard about a "technique" when game devs "decorate" inaccessible level parts even tho players can't get in there? This is an "illusion" of more space, so the player thinks there's actually something going on out of boundsWhy would they try and make it look more "complete" if they knew the place was done for?
That's probably the reason of this place looking more complete
Addy Thanks for answering that, CMB. (Not sarcasm). I only thought to ask since, if your idea is correct, there's no way the player can see the unused area without using cheats to glitch over there, w
Thanks for answering that, CMB. (Not sarcasm). I only thought to ask since, if your idea is correct, there's no way the player can see the unused area without using cheats to glitch over there, which was not intended.
Just remembered another odd experience. You know how in Levels 1 and 4, if you drive into walls or kick somebody to make them speck, there's an echo effect? Well in L7, i got out of bounds at the power plant, and drove around trying to find organ_music. The result was me going in loads of weird directions until I ended up where the school is. But then when I crashed into a wall, or made a zombie speak, there was an echo effect. Is this another leftover? Why does it happen and how?
Just remembered another odd experience. You know how in Levels 1 and 4, if you drive into walls or kick somebody to make them speck, there's an echo effect? Well in L7, i got out of bounds at the power plant, and drove around trying to find organ_music. The result was me going in loads of weird directions until I ended up where the school is. But then when I crashed into a wall, or made a zombie speak, there was an echo effect. Is this another leftover? Why does it happen and how?
From standing here, it is possible to see the tree props, as well as one of the gas signs (which is probably why there are two, as one was

From standing here, it is possible to see the tree props, as well as one of the gas signs (which is probably why there are two, as one was just copy and pasted higher up so that the player can see it)
Addy Colou:
Oh, thanks. But there is more than that that can only be seen by glitching. (See my above posts including the other odd thing that happened, there's still more left unanswered.)
Oh, thanks. But there is more than that that can only be seen by glitching. (See my above posts including the other odd thing that happened, there's still more left unanswered.)
Reguarding the gas signs; It is possible that the smaller one was made, then copy+pasted as in your theory, but they are both at the same height and position as they are in levels 1 and 4.
Oh, thanks. But there is more than that that can only be seen by glitching. (See my above posts including the other odd thing that happened, there's still more left unanswered.)
Reguarding the gas signs; It is possible that the smaller one was made, then copy+pasted as in your theory, but they are both at the same height and position as they are in levels 1 and 4.
[deleted user] I believe this waste splotch is what your talking about? The thing thats interesting its spawned EXACTLY on the same spawn point as the washer machine thats spawned out of the map one the poor side ar
I believe this waste splotch is what your talking about? The thing thats interesting its spawned EXACTLY on the same spawn point as the washer machine thats spawned out of the map one the poor side areas are loaded.
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Image unavailable due to changes with Discord's CDN
Addy Little T-pose:
YES, That's it! I don't recall it being by the out-of-bounds washing machine though. That is where you found it? How did you get it to spawn? I must know!
EDIT: I forgot
Little T-pose:
YES, That's it! I don't recall it being by the out-of-bounds washing machine though. That is where you found it? How did you get it to spawn? I must know!
EDIT: I forgot that it looked like that.
Please clarify:
You're saying that appears when the poor side of town is loaded in place of the washing machine? Is that it or are there other conditions to get it to appear? Also, you are talking about the washing machine that can be found just to the right of the power plant?
This makes sense now! I drove from out-of-bounds by the school and found that splodge. I must've went to where the washing machine would be. My questions are:
1. How do you get it to appear instead of the washing machine?
2. Why is it there?
YES, That's it! I don't recall it being by the out-of-bounds washing machine though. That is where you found it? How did you get it to spawn? I must know!
EDIT: I forgot that it looked like that.
Please clarify:
You're saying that appears when the poor side of town is loaded in place of the washing machine? Is that it or are there other conditions to get it to appear? Also, you are talking about the washing machine that can be found just to the right of the power plant?
This makes sense now! I drove from out-of-bounds by the school and found that splodge. I must've went to where the washing machine would be. My questions are:
1. How do you get it to appear instead of the washing machine?
2. Why is it there?
[deleted user] 1 - It apears there cuz its the school location being loaded, the poor side tho spawns a washer machine there
2 - Not sure probably something that they forgot to get rid of or remove before they deci
1 - It apears there cuz its the school location being loaded, the poor side tho spawns a washer machine there
2 - Not sure probably something that they forgot to get rid of or remove before they decided to keep the area blocked off instead
2 - Not sure probably something that they forgot to get rid of or remove before they decided to keep the area blocked off instead
Addy Thanks, Little T-Pose. That answers that question.
Thanks, Little T-Pose. That answers that question.