The other day I was watching prerelease videos of Hit & Run and noticed something odd in one of them. For about 10 seconds (don't forget, there's no audio in some of these prerelease videos, including this one) you see Marge in her level. It gets to a point where you see her in the Canyeonaro going down the street that leads to the cemetery, where you can see an object surrounded by a yellow glow.
If you look at the PR Asset Discs' content, there is two mission lists, one of which is a walkthrough and is final, and it states in it's description for The Cola Wars that Marge would have to collect it from around the level, not just around the Kwik-E-Mart.
All in all, this lines up with what you see of Marge's level in the prerelease video. The object that you briefly see does resemble a cola can.
Prerelease The Cola Wars
Posted in The Simpsons: Hit & Run
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Addy Hello.
The other day I was watching prerelease videos of Hit & Run and noticed something odd in one of them. For about 10 seconds (don't forget, there's no audio in some of these prere
Colou I assume you mean 'The Cola Wars' and not Cola Caper (Cola Caper is the tutorial mission) That's still very interesting though.
I assume you mean 'The Cola Wars' and not Cola Caper (Cola Caper is the tutorial mission) That's still very interesting though.
Addy Yes Colou, I did mean The Cola Wars. I corrected it.
The video is titled "The Simpsons: Hit & Run Gamecube Gameplay".
I just watched it again and noticed another oddity. There'
Yes Colou, I did mean The Cola Wars. I corrected it.
The video is titled "The Simpsons: Hit & Run Gamecube Gameplay".
I just watched it again and noticed another oddity. There's a brief couple of seconds where it shows L6. What is shows is Bart in the Red Firrini driving down the stairway shortcut. If you look closely you can see a yellow collectible object just at the end as Bart passes by.
Here's a link to the video:
Colou, you have the PR Asset Discs' content. Do any of the missions in L6 involve collecting items or being near that particular area? (If you do check, remember that there are two mission details pages, one of which is more up-to-date.
The video is titled "The Simpsons: Hit & Run Gamecube Gameplay".
I just watched it again and noticed another oddity. There's a brief couple of seconds where it shows L6. What is shows is Bart in the Red Firrini driving down the stairway shortcut. If you look closely you can see a yellow collectible object just at the end as Bart passes by.
Here's a link to the video:
Colou, you have the PR Asset Discs' content. Do any of the missions in L6 involve collecting items or being near that particular area? (If you do check, remember that there are two mission details pages, one of which is more up-to-date.
Colou After examining the footage, I'm sorry to say that those aren't items. They are, in fact, an early version of the flag icons used for streetraces.
After examining the footage, I'm sorry to say that those aren't items. They are, in fact, an early version of the flag icons used for streetraces.

Addy Ah. Well, there's that.
Ah. Well, there's that.