Hey everyone,
Overall Design- Updated the navbar.
- Updated the design of posts to be neater.
- Updated the forum sidebar to be neater.
- Updated the Discord page to use more Discord colours.
- Updated the registration form.
- Updated from Font Awesome 4 to Font Awesome 5 Pro.
Forum Home
- Added a button on topic listings that allows you to jump to the latest reply. This button only shows up on topics that have more than one page.
- Added unread markers to topics. This is based on both accounts and your IP Address. Because this is a new feature, all topics you've already read will be marked as unread. We've disabled this feature temporarily to correct an issue.
Forum Topics
- Added Open Graph to forum posts. You will notice post embeds are a lot nicer in Discord, Facebook and Twitter. (Preview)
- Added the ability to collapse posts.
- Updated the new topic form to allow blank bodies. This only applies to the original post, not replies.
- Added the ability to subscribe to topics.
- Added the ability to mark a topic as a spoiler.
- Added the ability to set a flair for a topic.
- Changed the way topics are recorded.
- Added the ability to report posts.
- Added the [Spotify] BBCode tag.
- Added the [Soundcloud] BBCode tag.
- Added the [Steam] BBCode tag.
- Added the [Spoiler] BBCode tag.
- Added a banner to show you that you're not on the last page of a thread to prevent replying without knowing the full context.
- We've reworked how post edits have been made, meaning some posts will no longer show edit status.
Post Editor
- Added the "YouTube" editor button.
- Added the "Spotify" editor button.
- Added the "Soundcloud" editor button.
- Added the "Spoiler" editor button.
- Added the "YouTube" editor button.
- Added the "Center" editor button.
- Added a check to prevent you from navigating from the page when you're writing a forum thread.
- Added this feature.
- Notification types
- You will now be notified when a thread you're subscribed to is replied to by anyone.
- If multiple people reply and you had not read the previous notifications, it will show up as "Multiple people"
- If you reply to your own thread, you will not be notified.
- If you unsubscribe from a thread, the past notifications will still exist and not be deleted
- You will now be notified when a user subscribes to you.
- In the future, we may consider adding a setting for this if there is enough demand.
- You will now be notified when we take action against a post you reported.
- You will now be notified when a thread you're subscribed to is replied to by anyone.
- Added the new profiles.
- Added the ability to subscribe to users.
- Added the ability to view your total karma score on your profile.
- Added online statuses.
- Added recent activity feed.
Forum Most/Least Upvoted Topics
- Added this feature.
Forum Most/Least Viewed Topics
- Added this feature.
Forum Karma Leaderboard
- Added this feature.
Forum Most/Least Responded Topics
- Added this feature.
Forum Discovery Feed
- Added this feature.
Forum Subscriptions
- Added this feature.
Support Page
- Added this page.
Recently Played
- Moved "Recently Played" into its own section, found under "More" on the navbar.
Design Settings
- Added the ability to enable post preview. (Experimental)
- Added the ability to switch back to a classic design (1300px max).
- Added the ability to switch to a "fluid" design, which makes fit to your monitor.
- Added the new "Dark Theme." (Experimental)
- Added the new "Classic Theme." (Experimental)
- Added the new "Big Green" theme. (Experimental)
- You may now hide avatars in the thread listing.
- You may now hide flairs in the thread listing.
- You may now set the thread listing to a compact mode. (Experimental)
- Added the ability to opt-in to experimental features.
- Added a dedicated search page. You can search users, downloads, forum topics and community submissions.
- Added a new loading method that speeds up the website 2.3x in testing. If you're interested in what we're doing, you can read this article by thisbythem.com: thisbythem.com/blog/super-fast-page-loads-with-pjax/
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where images could not be centered.
- Fixed an issue where the links on the bottom of the most and least responded topics pages would take you to the homepage.
- Fixed an issue where pressing the middle mouse button on a topic would open the post preview.
- Fixed an issue where banned users could log in to Cards Against Lucas if they were previously signed in.
- Fixed an issue where the title of a post would get mixed in with the post's statistics.
- The YouTube BBCode tag no longer requires the video ID. You may also use a youtube.com or youtu.be link.
- The cookie banner now only shows up in European countries that require it.
- Removed the members page, please use the search page. Rational: twitter.com/DonutTeam/status/969487299238137856.
- Removed the custom context menu that plagued the editor. You can now use your browser's spellcheck again. This creates other issues, but the ability to use spellcheck is very important.
- Removed the forum search.
- Removed the steam link found in profiles.
Known Issues
We're currently working on fixing some issues that we did not notice while testing:
Boards are showing up in the incorrect order.This is now fixed.Private boards do not show up for people with permission to view them. For now click "More > Private Topics"This is now fixed.- Previewing spoiler tags in the editor is not currently working.
Jake Andreøli