MonkeyBanana304 Hi! I installed cheat! But not can play and translate in Widescrren! Can someone help.
Error One
Hi! I installed cheat! But not can play and translate in Widescrren! Can someone help.
Error One
Error Two
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Colou For the first error, you need to either disable the 'borderless' hack, or 'resizable window'
The second one looks scary though and I don't know why that would happen. It also
For the first error, you need to either disable the 'borderless' hack, or 'resizable window'
The second one looks scary though and I don't know why that would happen. It also doesn't help that part of it is in russian.
[deleted user] It says something like
"Access denied in *shar-directory*
in System.IO...
in System.IO..."
And so on, not really sure if that's correct or not, not really good in translating this kind
It says something like
"Access denied in *shar-directory*
in System.IO...
in System.IO..."
And so on, not really sure if that's correct or not, not really good in translating this kind of stuff
Кстати говоря, @MonkeyBanana304, можете объяснить мне в чем дело? Я не особо понял вопроса
Fluffy I've forwarded the second error to Lucas. The first one means that you can not use both "Borderless" and "Resizable Window" at the same time.
I've forwarded the second error to Lucas. The first one means that you can not use both "Borderless" and "Resizable Window" at the same time.
[deleted user] Mind if I'm gonna help you translate this conversation(if this conversation's actually going to continue) to Russian/English, so that both of you could understand things? Ju-u-u-ust in case
Mind if I'm gonna help you translate this conversation(if this conversation's actually going to continue) to Russian/English, so that both of you could understand things? Ju-u-u-ust in case ('cause I have a feeling MonkeyBanana is using Google Translate, and this thing isn't really trustworthy)
(@MonkeyBanana304, специально для вас перевожу сообщения других пользователей, можете сами общаться на русском начиная с этого момента, я все переведу :p)
Jake Andreøli: "Я сообщил о второй ошибке Lucas'у. Первая ошибка значит что вы не можете использовать хаки "Borderless" и "Resizable Window" в одно и то же время"
Addy Can't argue against that with sentences like these:
"Hi! I installed cheat! But not can play and translate in Widescrren!"
Google Translate is... bad.
Can't argue against that with sentences like these:
"Hi! I installed cheat! But not can play and translate in Widescrren!"
Google Translate is... bad.
MonkeyBanana304 Thanks you! I'll be waiting when you eliminate the second error!
Рус:Спасибо! Буду ждать когда устранит вторую ошибку.
Thanks you! I'll be waiting when you eliminate the second error!
Рус:Спасибо! Буду ждать когда устранит вторую ошибку.