Has anyone else noticed that several YouTube videos about SHaR use the same thumbnail?
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Addy There is one thumbnail used on too many videos regarding SHaR. Who else has noticed this?
There is one thumbnail used on too many videos regarding SHaR. Who else has noticed this?
TheTitaniumFox hmmm...
Where are you seeing these videos beacuse they look all different to me...
Where are you seeing these videos beacuse they look all different to me...
Where are you seeing these videos beacuse they look all different to me...
Addy I can't list any specific examples, but several Let's Plays, as well as OSTs use this thumbnail.
I can't list any specific examples, but several Let's Plays, as well as OSTs use this thumbnail.
Colou I'm going to assume you mean this image?
It's one of the first results when you do a Go
I'm going to assume you mean this image?
It's one of the first results when you do a Google Images search for 'The Simpsons Hit and Run' and as a result many people who were probably looking for a logo or game art or something just end up using it.

It's one of the first results when you do a Google Images search for 'The Simpsons Hit and Run' and as a result many people who were probably looking for a logo or game art or something just end up using it.
Addy Yes, Colou. I was referring to that image.
Yes, Colou. I was referring to that image.
Sid3300 Also I've notice on basically everyone of LiquidWiFi's full run videos the default thumbnail is always sexy footage
Also I've notice on basically everyone of LiquidWiFi's full run videos the default thumbnail is always sexy footage
iKurt Maybe he's implying that his run videos are sexy footage...
Maybe he's implying that his run videos are sexy footage...
Addy Clickbait at it's finest...
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