Timed Follow Mission?
Posted in The Simpsons: Hit & Run
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Addy Some Let's Player on YouTube mistakenly thought that L3M7 was a follow mission, and at one point he said "Why is there a time limit on this follow mission?". This got me thinking. Since
Some Let's Player on YouTube mistakenly thought that L3M7 was a follow mission, and at one point he said "Why is there a time limit on this follow mission?". This got me thinking. Since, in follow missions, the vehicle that you are meant to follow slows down if you get far behind them, you COULD have a timed follow mission. You'd need to stay close to the vehicle in order to get them to reach their waypoint before time runs out. Does anyone else think that this is a good idea?
[deleted user] That's doable of course, but, I don't think it's gonna be really fair, since AI can be pretty dumb
That's doable of course, but, I don't think it's gonna be really fair, since AI can be pretty dumb
Addy Hmm...