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Something Odd In S-M-R-T

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If you manage to skip the race with Skinner (by using cheats to jump to a specific area), and drive to the school, a blue carsphere will be there that does nothing.
The waypoint on the map and the placement of the carsphere rely on the locator's position, so the locator itself is placed at the school despite the triggers attempting to cover the exits on Evergreen Terrace.
It was never meant to be reached like that, so, the goto trigger is near Skinner's car, while the carshpere is at the school
O.K, but then how come in Detention Deficit Disorder, you can do the same thing, but the carsephire DOES work and you can win the mission that way?
That just means there's a trigger placed near the locator itself as well. It may very well have been a different programmer making that mission who chose to do something slightly differently.
Alright. Thanks for answering.
I'd initially added this as an edit to my previous post, but alas, you'd already replied.
Here's a potentially better answer in terms of the story. In the case of S-M-R-T, Skinner is meant to already be on his way to the school, so you'd have to beat him there anyway. In Detention Deficit Disorder, he's waiting for Bart to go by, so if you're fast enough to make it the other way, he never spots Bart and you therefore bypass the chase entirely.
[deleted user]
6 yrs ago (Statistics)
Interesting find! I actually noticed this in past 1-2 years when I was messing around with cheat keys option, I tried to see what would happen in L1M1 if you try to reach the school without meeting skinner and the result was the one mentioned above.

I don't remember if I tried to do same for L2M1 but either way it's interesting find! I wonder if anyone has tried for other similar missions as well?