The townsfolk of Springfield are being terrorized by the ghost of Jebediah Springfield. The Simpsons have only one group of people, and their lovable mutt, they can turn to: Mystery Inc.! Join Shaggy and the rest of the gang as they uncover the mystery that's haunting the town!

Special thanks to Heavy Iron Studios for creating the models and Sonic-Konga for ripping the models from Scooby-Doo: Night of 100 Frights!
Gameplay footage:
Version History
1.3 (5th December 2019)- Main Menu has received a major update (incomplete).
- More lines have been given to Shaggy.
- Damage textures have been added to the Mystery Machine, Shaggy's Tractor, the Lochness Monster Machine, and the Cauldron.
- The Caveman's challenge now only extends to the trailer park.
- Only three ships have to be destroyed in Captain Redbeard's challenge.
- AI icons have been updated.
- Triggersphere has been updated.
- The phonebooth has been updated (incomplete).
- Character icons have been redone to look nicer.
- Remaining eye textures in the main menu have been fixed.
- The final conversation in M2 now has the characters in frame.
- The book in M4 now has a green glow.
- Crash when playing the credits has been fixed.
- This mod now supports Dynamic Tree Node Entity Limits to hopefully fix the crash around the Kwik-E-Mart.
- Massive HUD update (including the pause menu, mission loadups, and the phonebooth)
- Ol' Gil has been replaced with Scrappy-Doo.
- The main menu Barney and Snake have been replaced with Captain Redbeard and Cosgood Creeps, respectively.
- New ambient music from the Scooby-Doo show.
- The shop and phonebooth music has been replaced.
- Most pause menu sound effects have now been replaced.
- Shaggy's Tractor handles a lot better now. (still not perfect, but playable)
- The collision for the Lochness Monster Machine is fixed.
- Random lights no longer appear on Jeb's Boat.
- Several pre-missions now have starting cameras.
- Wrenches replaced with boxes of Scooby Snacks.
- Shaggy's electrocuted texture has been updated.
- Mission 1 now has custom music from Scooby-Doo: Night of 100 Frights.
- Mission 1 has the stage music always on after arriving at the Kwik-E-Mart.
- Mission 3's cam bestside when talking to Cletus has now been fixed.
- The confrontation with Jeb's ghost in Mission 3 has now been moved to the gas station by the Cemetery, because people kept driving towards the Elementary school and running out of room to avoid Jeb.
- The Fife in Mission 4 now has the correct colour effect.
- Issue fixed where the stage message wouldn't show up correctly when asked to buy Shaggy's Tractor before the start of Mission 6.
- Mission 6 can now be skipped after one try.
- The pedestrians' trigger volume in Mission 6 has been increased.
- Mission 6 now has a max traffic set.
- A camera issue when talking to Mr Burns in Mission 6 is fixed.
- The model for Cosgood Creeps now looks fatter.
- Shadows fixed for several vehicles.
- The character names for the Street Races have now been fixed.
- Thanks to the smaller font, the Lochness Monster Machine now has its full name.
- Street race text in Level Progress has been fixed.
- The text displayed when you've destroyed all of the witches has been fixed.
- Person responsible for the music tracks from Scooby-Doo: Night of 100 Frights has now been credited.
- Quad Bike replaced with The Lochness Monster Machine
- The Mystery Machine is faster
- Shaggy's Tractor is easier to turn
- Shaggy now sits lower in The Magnet Car
- In Mission 5, a "get in vehicle" objective has been added after eavesdropping on Willie and Skinner
- The music now changes when you start racing Willie in Mission 5
- Mission 6 is now a lot easier
- A tick shows up now when you finish Mission 7
- The Wager Race now has a new objective
- Bug fixed in the Bonus Mission where the camera wasn't in line with the dialogue
- Elementary School interior changed
- Certain cars shared the same name as cars in the original game and have now been given their own names
- The Costume Shop shirt has been retextured
- "Wasp Cameras" text changed to "Witches"
- Unnecessary files have been deleted for space
- Now decompilable!
- Initial release
Known bugs:
- In M4, if you enter the school interior or drive away from the school before talking to Willie, he will disappear and trying to talk to him, then will cause the game to crash.
- Shaggy's Tractor is notoriously hard to handle and plays into the difficulty of Mission 6.
- Ghost Shaggy's preview will look off due to its transparency, but looks fine in gameplay.
- The Ghost Ships in Captain Redbeard's challenge won't show up until you restart the stage.
- Ghost Ships will show up randomly as parked cars, despite not being part of the default Traffic Group.
- The Main Menu's scrapbook shows a Shaggy costume that had been changed to the Werewolf outfit.
Unexplained crashes:
- The game crashes randomly around the Kwik-E-Mart. The Investigation and the Headless Spectre's Challenge have experienced this issue (possibly fixed).
- In two instances in M5, when Skinner and Willie start a conversation, the game crashed.
- In one instance in M6, around the Simpson's house, the game crashed.