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Questions I Have Regarding Various Things I Found On The Cutting Room Floor (TCRF)

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TCRF's pages and talk page for Hit & Run have been getting updates recently, so I decided that it would be an appropriate time to ask these questions. These regard anything on any of the pages to things I found on the talk page.

  • It's stated that the bug where the player can replay Flaming Tires only exists within the GameCube release and early PlayStation 2 releases, but this has happened to me on the Xbox version, and the PlayStation 2 prototype, although the effect only lasts until you exit the game or enter another level?
  • On the talk page, a user stated that apparently "organ_music" can play while free-roaming on-foot, and they stated that it happened to them on the PlayStation 2 version. Is this possible? I've also heard somewhere that it plays in the Cemetery in Level 7. Maybe in a re-release of the game, such as Greatest Hits, Player's Choice etc?
  • Again from the talk page, but I've heard this In other places: apparently a few of Apu's and/or some lines from Level 5 (such as the Doorbell Gag at the Legitimate Businessman's Social Club) are censored in the European (PAL) version of the game. I own the PAL Xbox release of the game, and all of these lines are present?
In regards to #1, I think that on Xbox & The PS2 Prototype, Radical tried patching the glitch and could only narrow it down to when a player leaves / joins another level, they were not able to edit the GC or Early PS2 discs at all due to the way their files were saved, I think this user just didn't know this.

In regards to #2, I think "organ_music" was never meant to be played, they added it in the Early release of PS2 however again were not able to edit it (as it was released already) on newer versions of the game such as later release PS2, Xbox, Gamecube & PC this bug was patched, originally they were going to play it, however they decided it would not be a good idea.

In regards to #3, I think PEGI (Digital Saftey Team) saw these lines as racist, this was in the early version of the PS2 build where the lines were different, the PS2 build was released first meaning they could fix this error in Later versions such as the late PS2 build, Xbox, Gamecube & PC.

This is just what I think.
"... the PS2 build where the lines were different, the PS2 build was released first meaning they could fix this error in Later versions such as the late PS2 build, Xbox, Gamecube & PC."

Yes, but as I stated, they DO play in the Xbox version.

Also, DOES "organ_music" play anywhere in any release of the game?
I do not think it plays anywhere else, and I said that I think they tried cutting the time of it in later builds
In you're first post, you stated that (regarding #2) "they added it in the Early release of the PS2".

Where in early PlayStation 2 builds?

EDIT: I checked the PlayStation 2 prototype and it doesn't play in the Cemetery.
[deleted user]
6 yrs ago (Statistics)
I will try answering the second and third questions.

On the talk page, a user stated that apparently "organ_music" can play while free-roaming on-foot, and they stated that it happened to them on the PlayStation 2 version. Is this possible? I've also heard somewhere that it plays in the Cemetery in Level 7. Maybe in a re-release of the game, such as Greatest Hits, Player's Choice etc?
The organ_music never played to me, instead when entering in the Cemetery in Level 7 it just played the L7 driving theme (Nightmare on Evergreen Terror)

Again from the talk page, but I've heard this In other places: apparently a few of Apu's and/or some lines from Level 5 (such as the Doorbell Gag at the Legitimate Businessman's Social Club) are censored in the European (PAL) version of the game. I own the PAL Xbox release of the game, and all of these lines are present?
For me the mentioned lines (Apu's comments while driving and the Level 5 doorbell gag) played in my version of the game.

Please note that the version I had and played as a kid was the Best Seller (PC version). I'm from Europe and like I said above, #2 didn't occur to me (like crackencody said, it probably doesn't play in the released game) but #3 did normally, meaning my version isn't censored.
In both the Xbox and PlayStation 2 prototypes for me, organ_music does not play in the Cemetery, but neither does the Evergreen Terror theme unless I enter the Cemetery in a vehicle, and then exit it.
@DeepFriedBurger by Early releases I mean after the prototype, when the game was publicly released.
I know when you mean, but where does organ_music play in early PlayStation 2 releases?