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Alien "Auto"topsy part I bug

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I was playing Simpsons Hit & Run normally, when i got to the first "Auto"topsy misson, i try to beat it with a R/C car, when i fail, i choose no to choose another car and this happened
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And that's not all, if you use a mission select it will not remove the barrel, i tried to go for another barrel in the trunk, and then THIS happened
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I tried to repeat the process with another car , sadly it didn't work
My guess is that because the R/C Car is a secret car and is always spawned in the map, the game doesn't take effort to update it when something important happens, like check it to remove the waste barrel.
Well, i think homer likes to take a bath in nuclear waste
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sorry to kill some of your braincells here
[deleted user]
5 yrs ago (Statistics)
I don't think this happens because of the car
You see, I have a mission in STK with a barrel delivery stages. Upon failing the mission, the barrel stays at the car. If I try to collect the collectible barrel, it will just act as a prop, if I'll try to explode the current barrel, the game will crash. Mission restart seems to resolve the issue. The car used in STK is Red Ferrini, which is basically a normal car, so, the car is probably not the issue

Same thing happens in Frank Grimes mode. I guess that's just the issue with the nuclear barrel itself, 'cause you know, Radical
Hope DT can release a bug fix for this or smth, 'cause it might get annoying, especially if the mission's hard and the damn barrel doesn't wants to disappear
Yeah... this will cause issues when developing mods. I discovered this a while back, but was never quite sure how to replicate it. To add to you're information, I don't believe it is possible to lose the barrel if you crash to hard outside of the mission, but I am unsure.
I remember discovering this back when I was a kid! Once again messing around with different cars in Alien Auto Topsy I and one of the things I tried was using the RC car to beat the mission. I think I did it after a couple of tries and one time after cancelling mission I still had the barrel on me, as said above in first post. What was interesting is going to the Krusty Burger and seeing a newly spawned RC car, I think that one had the barrel too! I can't remember well but I'm sure the barrel got duplicated because of the car you were driving and it made the other RC car have a barrel too. So to answer first post, the glitch has nothing to do with the car.

A bit unrelated but I also remember a weird bug where Homer keeps "dancing" during this mission, I don't know exactly what causes it but it makes Homer do repeatedly the "task complete" animation. It's like he was dancing to the music or something. The bug doesn't always happen, however.
Maybe the bug only occurs if the player is allowed to use a vehicle of their choice? Since the bug only occurs in Alien" Auto" Topsy Part I, and in Clueless in Frank Grimes Mode, both of which allow you to pick what vehicle you use.