A rather strange topic to post about, but anyway, to the point. Bootleg products. Usually strange and humours failed attempts at selling a rip-off product. Do you own any bootleg movies, video games, etc?
Personally, I have obtained two bootleg products over time, one of which being s movie(s), and the other being a book.
The first, the book is a strange version of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, with no cover art, and certain chapters missing.
The movie(s) is a compilation of Garfield 1 and 2, with strange cover art on the front and back featuring no logo, and squashed low-quality images of each film's DVD release's front and back cover art respectively. The menu is strange, with options for either film, and it uses Garfield 2's DVD release's cover art. At a certain point in both films, a URL appears, which I couldn't find online. While Garfield 1 is an exact copy of the DVD release (no issues, runs perfectly), Garfield 2 is obviously being filmed with a camera. You can see a screen, and the audio/video quality is terrible. It has Japanese subtitles that cannot be removed, and at a point in the film, as well as a few seconds into the credits, a blue screen appears, accompanied by a beep sound.
Do You Own Bootleg Products?
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Addy A rather strange topic to post about, but anyway, to the point. Bootleg products. Usually strange and humours failed attempts at selling a rip-off product. Do you own any bootleg movies, video games,
Fat Tony A few. When i was younger I used to have a Bootleg N64 made by V-Tech when I was too young to use the PS2 we had.Also a while back i Found a Film we had, It was like ants but terrible, Its killed an a
A few. When i was younger I used to have a Bootleg N64 made by V-Tech when I was too young to use the PS2 we had.Also a while back i Found a Film we had, It was like ants but terrible, Its killed an ants life and I watched like the first 5 minutes of it when i found it and its a straight rip off from a abugs life
[deleted user] There was a Sega (Or NES, don't remember correctly) clone called Dendy, it was pretty popular in Russia, so I got my hands on it some time in 1998 I think.
And the funniest part is that Steepler,
There was a Sega (Or NES, don't remember correctly) clone called Dendy, it was pretty popular in Russia, so I got my hands on it some time in 1998 I think.
And the funniest part is that Steepler, the company that started doing those Dendy shennanigans, has closed down and stopped selling consoles, so, in 1998 I didn't had a bootleg Sega, I had a bootleg of a bootleg!
Welcome to Russia, the nerfed China
Also, if this even counts, I've bought SHaR in 2005, and, surprise-surprise, it had this awful translation and voiceover, but I was ok, since in 2005 I was still thinking "English" was supposed to be pronounced "Anglesh" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (i'm not joking)
I'm still wondering where is the money truck in L5M4 though 🤔
And the funniest part is that Steepler, the company that started doing those Dendy shennanigans, has closed down and stopped selling consoles, so, in 1998 I didn't had a bootleg Sega, I had a bootleg of a bootleg!
Also, if this even counts, I've bought SHaR in 2005, and, surprise-surprise, it had this awful translation and voiceover, but I was ok, since in 2005 I was still thinking "English" was supposed to be pronounced "Anglesh" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (i'm not joking)
I'm still wondering where is the money truck in L5M4 though 🤔
Addy Gordon CMB:
You've just reminded me (with you're talk of a bootleg Nintendo Entertainment System)! I used to have a bootleg Toy Story game for my Nintendo Entertainment System! I don't
crackencody I actually have a lot of Gamecube games that are so blurry and when playing it had no audio.
I actually have a lot of Gamecube games that are so blurry and when playing it had no audio.
Colou I was once given this copy of Ice Age 3 as a gift.
Needless to say I was not impressed.
I was once given this copy of Ice Age 3 as a gift.
Needless to say I was not impressed.

Needless to say I was not impressed.
Addy People keep posting things, which keep reminding me of other things. On one hand, this is good, since I can post more, on the other, it's bad as a few people may interpret me as a liar.
People keep posting things, which keep reminding me of other things. On one hand, this is good, since I can post more, on the other, it's bad as a few people may interpret me as a liar.
Anyway, that disc reminded me... I have a "DISC 1" of The Simpsons' X season (the season with Steamed Hams in it). The disc looked exactly like that (minus the "ICE AGE 3"). The cover art was drawn using pencil. Otherwise, everything, including the menus are copied from the official DVD.
Anyway, that disc reminded me... I have a "DISC 1" of The Simpsons' X season (the season with Steamed Hams in it). The disc looked exactly like that (minus the "ICE AGE 3"). The cover art was drawn using pencil. Otherwise, everything, including the menus are copied from the official DVD.
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[deleted user] So, I took my time and decided to translate those covers! (The description part that is, since the title contains nothing interesting. Also, some technical information was left behind, 'cause gue
So, I took my time and decided to translate those covers! (The description part that is, since the title contains nothing interesting. Also, some technical information was left behind, 'cause guess what? It's not the interesting part)




Addy I didn't know that this game supported high-quality 3D sound! This game was way ahead of it's time! Who needs surround sound?
I didn't know that this game supported high-quality 3D sound! This game was way ahead of it's time! Who needs surround sound?