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Subliminal message in S-M-R-T

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S-M-R-T Mission name comes from smrt fašizmu (from serbo-croatian to English means death to fascism)
Stjepan Filipović screaming smrt fašizmu!
[deleted user]
5 yrs ago (Statistics)
Nope. Thats just coincidental.
It comes from the chant both in the game after winning a race and from the tv show.
What's not to say that the chant from the show wasn't based off of this, though?
[deleted user]
5 yrs ago (Statistics)
"What's not to say that the chant from the show wasn't based off of this, though?"

Because it has nothing to do with it at all.
The chant itself is irony on homers inability to spell the word smart after chanting "I am so smart"