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Skinner Warning and Chalmers Police Car Sounds

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I ade in Sounds since in 22 of April
[deleted user]
5 yrs ago (Statistics)
Can you provide more of a description of what the mod does in the post?
I don't think I can do that, maybe you can give a try of my sound mod
People won't try your mod unless they know what it's about. Just write something about what's in it so people know what they're getting into.
[deleted user]
5 yrs ago (Statistics)
Yeah, the post title doesn't really describe what sounds they replace and what the new sounds are. If you could add that that would be great.
I decompiled the mod, there's a lot of unnecessary files in there and the dialog.spt was stolen from the Steamed Hams mod but it doesn't seem to do anything. Basically, the warning sound when you near a Hit and Run is replaced with Skinner saying 'Steamed' while the police siren is replaced with Chalmers yelling 'Seymour'.
Where have I heard of that before...

He's done this before, another mod was just a re-texture of Nightbane's Minecraft mod. That seems like a bannable offense.
I don't know if the ban is worth it. Based off of the posts this user has made, most of the misinformation and misunderstanding of the rules are most likely due to a language barrier.
[deleted user]
5 yrs ago (Statistics)
Please don't discuss banning a user. The moderation staff will handle whether or not the offenses committed are large enough for that. Thank you for bringing this to our attention though.