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[Resolved] Exporting .p3d files as .obj

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First off, I want to say great job to the team behind the Donut Mod(s). I really enjoyed the public beta of Donut Mod 4 Level 1.

So why do I want to convert .p3d files to .obj? Because I make car mods for Midtown Madness 2, usually with meshes taken from other games like Forza and Need for Speed.
Anyway, not so long ago I converted the Family Sedan from Hit & Run to Midtown Madness 2. It was before I got Hit & Run for the PC so I downloaded the mesh from The Models Resource. Now I'm planning on converting Mr. Plow and the Obliteratron Big Wheel Truck. I'm also playing around with the idea of using the Obliteratron's chassis and wheels on other vehicles like the Donut Van. However, I don't know how to mod Hit & Run, so I may get stuck into learning how to.

Edit: Of course! XML into Blender.