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Jerry The Coin and Jerry The Coin - Coin Car

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The meme, the myth, the legend himself created and born from LiquidWifi's streams...... Jerry The COIN. Jerry the coin is the coin that everyone from Liquids streams/chat/community that is the very first one in the side yard path to the backyard to the Simpsons House on the Blue neighbor's house side created, with my own design to make him look more humanized/make jerry look i guess living being of some sort.

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The mod is half just a character/skin mod showcase of just the character and car and/or character resource for people to use in other mods they make with this character.

More Images of Jerry and the Car.
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The Download:

One version (just called Jerry The Coin), only is the standalone character that doesn't replace any other characters and is in level 1 and showcases the car/has it in the phone booth. Unfortunately you will not be able to play missions in l1 since its a standalone/new character and only is for messing around with in free mode, using the coin car with other characters in the other levels or decompiling it for use in other mods or other uses.

The other version (Jerry the coin (replaces other characters)), replaces all of the playable characters with Jerry and all the default spawned cars of each level is the coin car, this one can be used to play all the original game missions in very easy accessible way without having to mod or do other stuff to it, it also removes all the character costume and car requirements in missions like Office Spaced or Ketchup Logic ect. All the forced car missions will force the coin car instead. This mod could be used for just play all the missions and what not, kinda like a challenge play through or just having fun with a new fast car with a dumb meme character in every mission including level 1 and forced car missions. This also is decompilable and also has the stand alone character file that's present in the other version.

If u want to use this character and car in other mods or what not, credits aren't 100% needed but still would be some what appreciated you did anyways some where in the mod either the game credits, mod launcher description, even something like a reference on a billboard retexture in a level or something else would be nice.

(not sure if i have to use mod release or mod showcase cuz idk wat this is 100% categorized as, since its half a functional i guess like mod but more closer to a character resource thing kinda like the additional character resource pack with fat tony in stuff like that so if it needs to be changed i/a moderator or someone can change it if it doesn't seem right).

(If there is something screwy or bug or something weird going on with dl link, or mod itself tell me in replys.)