DAY 1 - The Trick or Treat Event
Posted in Announcements
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Day 1
We've released the Trick or Treat event! We've added two challenges and we hope you're ready!
I Pick Things Up and Put Them Dow
Day 1
We've released the Trick or Treat event! We've added two challenges and we hope you're ready!
I Pick Things Up and Put Them Down
Have the community add 250 new posts to the forum during the Trick or Treat Event.
The Captain Is Here!
Have the community login to the website 250 times during the Trick or Treat Event.
Quick Links:
- The Trick or Treat Event Page
- Make sure to get the new Trick or Treat mod as well!
- Participate in our Steam game giveaway!
- Get the Halloween Donut background!
Website Changelog
- Added the Trick or Treat Theme to the site
- Added the Trick or Treat page
Jake Andreøli
Check back tomorrow for the next update!
Surreal Bot *Prepares incognito windows to constantly log into*
*Prepares incognito windows to constantly log into*
Fluffy Good luck everyone ;)
Good luck everyone ;)
Koopa Thanks, I'll get posting. I'm just saying this extra stuff to add a little more quality to this insignificant post that totally isn't made for the sole purpose of increasing the counter
Thanks, I'll get posting. I'm just saying this extra stuff to add a little more quality to this insignificant post that totally isn't made for the sole purpose of increasing the counter.
I tried
I tried
Fluffy @G11TCH Loved what?
@G11TCH Loved what?
TheHugeSimpsonsFan So, the whole community has to log in and post 250 times, or just you.
So, the whole community has to log in and post 250 times, or just you.
Fluffy It's a collective, meaning when you login it counts towards the community's goal. So if I login and then you do, then the score would be 2
It's a collective, meaning when you login it counts towards the community's goal. So if I login and then you do, then the score would be 2
TheHugeSimpsonsFan Alright, thanks!
Alright, thanks!