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a whoooollle bunch of custom icons (taking sugestions!)

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well that was fun, here's all the modable simpsons characters i can think of, tell me if i missed any...

Any requirements to use in a mod? Credit you or just free use? Nice work either way.
well if the mod does have a credit sequence i don't mind a shout out ^^ but yeh they're free for use
[deleted user]
5 yrs ago (Statistics)
looks pretty good, looks as if radical made them or if they where in the game already to begin with. the onllly thing that i would give a bit of criticism for is some being too small or over to the side like slideshow mel and legs, the other thing is the white on some characters seem to much, slideshow bob and gil arent (at least that i remember) usually that, that pale but its still really good besides those things i pointed out.
i see whatchamean, udapted the colors, for the other issue i can't really fix it anymore, tho in sideshow mel's case it's the only way i found to include part of his bone in the icon without the head looking too small like legs
added a cutsom version of the og icons and a few suprises...
i've been having so much fun with those i'm gonna take requests for a bit
can you make me the cola crat HUDI with this logo:
i should've precised, i only do characters icons :p