a whoooollle bunch of custom icons (taking sugestions!)
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wimpy https://i.imgur.com/pJbn9uH.png hugh jazz, mickael jackson i mean bald barney gumble i mean Leon Kompowsky and who could forget dear old rat boy

ChewyBart Nice, and thanks
Nice, and thanks
wimpy it took me a while but i finally remembered where i saw that sailor guy in the show, he's actually the waiter for the frying dutchman https://i.imgur.com/XQgUk5Z.png
it took me a while but i finally remembered where i saw that sailor guy in the show, he's actually the waiter for the frying dutchman

wimpy https://i.imgur.com/eeENEJD.png new icons based on the trick or treats contest entries

wimpy woops kinda been falling behind on those, let's see here:
tight lips larry
the hounds
the elusive mr snurbs
gumbly (can't believe he didn't get one in the base game, guess the voice act
woops kinda been falling behind on those, let's see here:
tight lips larry
the hounds
the elusive mr snurbs
gumbly (can't believe he didn't get one in the base game, guess the voice actor was too expansive)
chocolate bunnies
witch patty and selma
anyone else i forgot?
tight lips larry
the hounds
the elusive mr snurbs
gumbly (can't believe he didn't get one in the base game, guess the voice actor was too expansive)
chocolate bunnies
witch patty and selma
anyone else i forgot?
Yzma Burns is scary beyond all reasons.
Burns is scary beyond all reasons.
wimpy https://i.pinimg.com/236x/51/ad/4e/51ad4e605860229fc74e19a896005908.jpg