Today marks the release of my years-in-the-making, state of the art Map Builder for The Simpsons Hit and Run!

This tool imports image data from Google Maps(tm) and uses satellite interfetterence to turn the area selected into a map that can be used in SHAR!
To use, simply open Snipping Tool (if you're running MacOS or Linux, I don't care about you), take a snip of the area you'd like to convert from Google Maps (be sure GM is in "Satellite Mode" for extra interfetterence), save the snip as a PNG and then import it into the Map Builder by clicking "Importieren" (German for "Import") and navigating to the directory the image is at. Then click "Convert", and the tool uses the satellite metadata of the image to recreate the area in SHAR! The map files will be sent to the directory of your choosing! (I recommend replacing the map files in your game directory directly with your new files. There's another way of doing it using the """"Mod Launcher"""" but that's for simps.)
-An example of a new SHAR map in progress!

Finally live your dream of seeing your house in SHAR! Create a copy of your hometown for Bart to do things in or something! Sell Simpsonized blueprints of U.S. Military bases to their enemies! The world is yours! (Note: For maximized enjoyment, post any issue you experience with the tool in #mod-help and tag Loren or Jake repeatedly until they help you with it.)
Additional Notes about the Tool:
-Minimum Specs: Whatever the f*** a leap pad runs on (that's what i programmed it on).
-May cause spontaneous explosion or implosion of your hard drive/SSD.
-Do not use if pregnant. May cause strokes in people over 150 pounds.
-This tool is brought to you by Google(tm), who refused to aknowledge April Fools Day today and instead had some polio doctor on their banner.
Download Here!
Note: I cannot be held responsible for the wrath that will be put upon you if you tag Loren and/or Jake repeatedly on Discord.