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Some textures not loading (characters and cars white)

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Hi all. Awesome to see such an active community around this game!

I've run into a weird issue when playing H&R for the first time, some characters and cars seem to load without a texture/ colours. Also when you need to speak to a character to start a mission there's a purple box around the explanation mark. Does anyone know why this might be?

Image of the issue:

This is when using the launcher and just starting the normal exe. I'm running Windows XP in a virtual machine on a mac. I've updated to Net framework 4 and Direct X 9. Sorry If i've missed any info that would help diagnose this.

Thanks in advance!
Hi ed,

Could you run this and send me the log please?

Hey Josh,

Thanks, results below:

Game EXE path: C:\Program Files\Vivendi Universal Games\The Simpsons Hit & Run\Simpsons.exe
Loaded install profiles in 1827.78967784867 ms
*Unexpected: simpsons.ini (CRC32 = BE1F662E, SHA256 = 13909961239ADDAD356B06EE1333BB41F8B2DFB027CD89EA20338E65FACA4096, MD5 = DA0A62F2B747F0291378596003EB971D, Size = 5097 bytes, Modified Date = 18/05/2020 5:36:10 PM +01:00, Read Only = False, Hidden = False, System = False)
*Unexpected: Save1 (CRC32 = B1042D45, SHA256 = 68DEA2B1894242E4C87E6749D9ED9176790CF87D70F511DD330988AEF1C539FD, MD5 = CAAB2F129F5CD59F4756AAD734C92361, Size = 7670 bytes, Modified Date = 18/05/2020 5:58:27 PM +01:00, Read Only = False, Hidden = False, System = False)
Recognised executable: Simpsons.exe (Release English (FairLight Cracked))
Hash mismatch: Simpsons.exe (CRC32 = 7F2C31D5, Size = 2486272)
Completed in 259575.149166065 ms (excluding 0 ms paused)

I should also add that it's random as to which characters & cars are white when I load the game up.

Thanks ed. What VM software are you using? Also, from the install location, I assume it's 32bit Windows XP?