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Is there a mod to extend the loading screens?

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Basically what the title says. I do love fast loading times but at the same time I want to have the chance to read the newspaper gags and see the dynamite spark reach Scratchy
Not currently. I remember hearing something about plans to somehow make one but that was a while ago.
You can cap your framerate in Nvidia control panel or rivatuner to either 30 or 60 to make them load slower
Never tried it myself, but you could change your level.mfk with a level.lua and add the following function & use it.
local seconds = 5 -- or whatever number you wish to wait, in seconds.
function w(x)
      time = os.clock()
      while os.clock() -time < x do end
You can cap your framerate in Nvidia control panel or rivatuner to either 30 or 60 to make them load slower


At that point you might as well use the Frame Limiter setting hack, and check While on Loading Screens.