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Higher-resolution Textures + Grass Mod

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I added some higher-resolution Textures to the game, and also some Grass everywhere growing from the ground.

This is kind of an Alpha version, so there's only Level 1 edited yet. And not all textures were replaced, but many of the environment stuff.

You can download it here, if you want to test it:
Download .lmlm file

Some footage:
Very nice, well done :-)
Any ideas how I can make the grass responsive to shadows? I mean that it should be darker in tree shadows. I really don't know how to handle this.
What is this? Faithful x64? Jokes aside, nice mod for your first project!

Any ideas how I can make the grass responsive to shadows? I mean that it should be darker in tree shadows. I really don't know how to handle this.


To my knowledge, there's no way to make things "respond to shadows" as tree shadows are actually fake semi-transparent meshes. If I were you I'd just convert certain patches of grass to stand-alone XML models and paint vertex colors with appropriate shade of gray.
Nice work! Please don't stop
Very nice. Looking to see more!
Blown away by this, I tried something similar on a custom map I was working on a few years back on and did get it working in blender and in game, The Grass is a nice touch touch to the game. Great Job man!
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