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How to make a character talk when he hits something or needs a ride?

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For example i want Willie to say when he hits or does invite car to help on his journey may i get help thank you so much yup im annoying with all those support things sorry about that
1. Copy an RSD and import your custom audio for Willie (or, export one that you want to use that's already in the game) Make sure it's a 24000hz mono wav that you import into the rsd, if it's custom.
2. Create a folder on your mod called "willie" like so; (replace "moe"/"cletus" with "willie")
3. Place the RSD into that folder.
4. Make sure your RSD follows the format of other rsds. If you were making a "medium crash" dialogue for willie, it would be "w_mcrash_willie_01.rsd". If you want it to be specific to when he is a driver and not a playable character (so when you're using his car and he's in the drivers seat, but you're playing as someone else) then name the rsd "d_mcrash_willie_01.rsd"
5. Create a folder as shown above: "sound", then within that, "scripts".
6. Find the dialog.spt in scripts.rcf (using the rcf explorer)
7. Extract that to the folder you made. (sound/scripts)
6. In dialog.spt, edit it to include the new rsd you have. So for you, you would copy this:

create daSoundResourceData named W_Mcrash_Wil_01
AddFilename ( "willie/W_Mcrash_Wil_01.rsd" 1.000000 )
SetStreaming ( true )
The folder name doesn't matter as long as it matches with what's in your folder (it just helps for organization) but the filename does. Also keep in mind dialog.spt is picky about capitalization, so when you're making new dialogue, you should probably copy one of the existing ones to know what to capitalize.
thanks that worked! last question how to start mission with no dialogue