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Where to find SHAR music?

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Hi! I absolutely love the SHAR soundtrack but if I'm offline I can't listen on youtube. Does anybody know where it is in the game files, or where to find it?
Thanks in advance!
It is easy! First you will have to download the "Lucas RCF Explorer 1.1.1" Program that you can find on the same "Downloads" page. After you download it, you have to go to the SHAR folder, where you have it located, and open those .rcf files, called "music00.rcf", "music01.rcf", "music02.rcf" or the "music03 .rcf ". within those files, will be the entire soundtrack of SHAR. I hope this answer helps you, If you have questions, Don't forget to ask me! Greetings.
There's also a nice rip (available in MP3 or FLAC) by Kenny Giles, found here.
Thanks guys, I appreciate the help!