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My mod now crashes no matter what i do.

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I can give the files and you have a look i have no idea whats causing the crash and i dont want to lose progress on it.
What changes did you make that made it start crashing
leveli, both reward.mfk files and dialog.spt to add character voices, i think when i changed from cKlimo to cNerd started to crash when i turn back things to cKlimo it stopped working too it crashes when loading the level however, deleting leveli and reward files makes game work..
WHere does the game crash? If it crashes after the radical screen, you probably have a corrupted save. Don't really have any other possiblities, but that's one of the main ones I had a problem with that I didn't understand.
it crashes when loading level 1, it loads a bit and then "Simpsons stopped responding" i could send the files to see the problem i have no idea what can be wrong If possible please respond soon thanks :l
You'll of made an error in your level.mfk or leveli.mfk i imagine.
Weirdly, this only happens if i change to any car but changing back to famil_v it works fine.. though i need other car not the family one. i enter the names fine but the game crashes.. It only workd with famil_v i change leveli and reward files for the car
its still crashing.. No solution yet found
The p3d files in simpsons hit and run seem to be case sensitive

for example if you decided to add "cMilk" (milk truck) to the traffic in a level, and spelt it as "cmilk" the game can't find it and crashes, atleast thats what happened with me

And im pretty sure its the same with rewards and other scripts where .p3d files are loaded.

See if thats the issue, if it is, it should stop crashing.