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SHAR Crash Analyzer

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With the recent influx of new modders, and subsequently more crashes and issues arising, I've given a UI to an old tool written by @EnAppelsin in order to assist users in debugging their own crash dumps.

What is it?

This is a tool that uses a combination of WinDbg and @aldelaro5's Ghidra project in order to provide, at least slightly, more helpful information from a SHAR crash dump.

How do I use it?

Download the below ZIP file, extract to a folder, and either drag & drop a SHAR crash dump onto the executable, or open the executable and press browse.
How-to Screenshots

Save the ZIP file to a folder and extract it:

Open the extracted SHARCrashAnalyzer.exe by double clicking, the below window will open:

After the window is open, press Browse. It will open a file browser that defaults to the Mod Launcher's crash directory:

Double click the dump file you wish to analyze. The app will start loading the SHAR symbols:

After the symbols have loaded, the stack trace will be loaded into the textbox:

The main useful information is in the red box. This shows the function chain that called the error.

IE in the above example, the crash occurred when trying to get Road information, and was caused by there being no roads to get. (Crash provided by @DeepFriedBurger.)


EXE Virus Scan
ZIP Virus Scan



  • Include FUN checkbox includes unnamed symbols in the symbol list, drastically increasing the symbol load time (30 seconds to 3+ minutes).
  • If an unnamed function causes an issue, or it occurs in Hacks.dll, it will still likely require Lucas to look into the issue further.
  • Any issues or questions, let me know and I'll help where I can.

This looks very clever, good work all of you. Just out of interest how long did this take to make?
It works.
This looks very clever, good work all of you. Just out of interest how long did this take to make?


My bit didn't take long because I just put a UI on top of existing code. I'm not sure how long Appel's code originally took, but the Ghidra project is a culmination of about 10 months of work, mainly led by Aldelaro, but with other contributors. You can see the entire process in the #reverse-engineering channel in SHARcord.

There could be a tool to actually make missions. From my knowledge in programming, I suppose it would take a shitload of variables (is that used to describe "if" command?) to create the script and would be VERY tedious.
There could be a tool to actually make missions. From my knowledge in programming, I suppose it would take a shitload of variables (is that used to describe "if" command?) to create the script and would be VERY tedious.


You mean like a flow chart interface? Like Scratch or similar?

That could work. But I was imagining like a drop down selection of stage objectives, like "Add Stage", "AddCondition" buttons, etc. etc. Cuz having a tool to make missions would save a lot of time debugging the game and scripting the missions (also, would be perfect for people like me, who don't do scripting and work in art department and then make boring missions like in BS cuz they don't know how to script and/or other functionallities I think I made my point.