Forum Mod Bakery Docs

I'm modding files, but want to know what this means.

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Hey, I'm editing some of the drivable cars in SHAR, nut struggling to find out what these terms mean:
- SetGasScale(num);
- SetSlipGasScale(num);

I'm not too sure what Gas Scale or Slip Gas Scale means (I'm in UK, don't know if it's a US thing). If I could get a bit of clarification, that would be great!

Thanks, cooln0250
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4 yrs ago (Statistics)
Below is part of the code that I have only changed:

// Simpsons Family Sedan

SetMass(2000.0); ⬅ I would guess this is the weight of the vehicle???

SetGasScale(num); ⬅ I have no clue what this does
SetSlipGasScale(num); ⬅ I have no clue what this does

SetBrakeScale(40); ⬅ I would guess this is how hard the brakes are???

SetTopSpeedKmh(250.0); ⬅ I would guess this is the top speed of the car??

I have no clue as what the gas scale values do, but when I change them, the car goes flying in the air....
SetMass(2000.0); ⬅ I would guess this is the weight of the vehicle???
Correct. It is also believed to be a factor in how strong the vehicle is (i.e. damage output).

SetBrakeScale(40); ⬅ I would guess this is how hard the brakes are???
Correct, I believe.

SetTopSpeedKmh(250.0); ⬅ I would guess this is the top speed of the car??
SetGasScale(num); has to do with the vehicle's acceleration, essentially higher numbers mean the vehicle accelerates more quickly.
SetSlipGasScale(num); also has to do with acceleration, I think this is used specifically when doing a burnout.
Thank you @Homer and @DeepFriedBurger, I now know what I'm modding! :) The help has been greatly appreciated!! 😁