Virtual Frink-ality - Level 1 Demo Out Now!
Posted in SHAR: Mod Showcase
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bub. Somebody has probably said this before but would you be able to release a mod that only has the retexture and music?
Somebody has probably said this before but would you be able to release a mod that only has the retexture and music?
The quoted post is unavailable.
Z_The_Comic I am very aware this mod is an old one, but my stupidity did something that I cannot fix without a point towards the right direction.
I somehow turned on a first person view for driving, and I ha
I am very aware this mod is an old one, but my stupidity did something that I cannot fix without a point towards the right direction.
I somehow turned on a first person view for driving, and I have no idea how to turn it off..
Like I said, "Stupidity"
Edit: No idea if someone already said this
I somehow turned on a first person view for driving, and I have no idea how to turn it off..
Like I said, "Stupidity"
Edit: No idea if someone already said this
"Num 0" key is used to change vehicle camera view by default
Or you can change it in Pause menu->Options->Settings->Camera
The quoted post is unavailable.
"Num 0" key is used to change vehicle camera view by default
Or you can change it in Pause menu->Options->Settings->Camera

Glitchedblood The mod crashes in the third challenge race if you fail and restart the race.
The mod crashes in the third challenge race if you fail and restart the race.
Kenny Giles Apologies for the late reply.
I went ahead and took a look into the Third Challenge Race due to the issue you mention earlier. I'm not terribly proud with how that mission turned out, so I went
Apologies for the late reply.
I went ahead and took a look into the Third Challenge Race due to the issue you mention earlier. I'm not terribly proud with how that mission turned out, so I went ahead and decided to quickly and sloppily re-work it.
Frink-ality version 1.67 is now a thing! You can grab it here (MEGA) or here (Google Drive).
This is a REALLY minor update, so I wouldn't recommend you bother with this if you've already cleared all 3 Street Races in a previous release or have no intention of going for 100%.
I went ahead and took a look into the Third Challenge Race due to the issue you mention earlier. I'm not terribly proud with how that mission turned out, so I went ahead and decided to quickly and sloppily re-work it.
Frink-ality version 1.67 is now a thing! You can grab it here (MEGA) or here (Google Drive).
This is a REALLY minor update, so I wouldn't recommend you bother with this if you've already cleared all 3 Street Races in a previous release or have no intention of going for 100%.
- L1SR3 has been modified to remove the 'No Wrenches' gimmick and has been renamed accordingly ('Totally Wrench-ed!' to 'Tire & Error'). The player now has to squeeze through some tire props instead of avoiding wrenches in a 3-lap time trial.
The reason for the change is that upon replaying the Street Race, I feel judging where the hitboxes for where the Wrenches was too unforgiving and the knockback for bad input was too harsh (it's frustrating to fail the mission on the last lap if you turned too far to the right, for instance). This severely nerfs the difficulty, while still keeping the challenge of having to 'navigate between areas'. While the timer seems rather forgiving with this nerf, this mission was also tested with the Terrible Truck, which barely has enough time to make it. Try it that way, you chickens.
- Fixed an issue with L1SR3 where Frink and Homer did not have their proper dialog locators set.
- Moved the end conversation in L1SR3 to the Community Center's parking lot as a dirty workaround to prevent two Red Frink Holograms from popping up in the same area.
- The unused stage objective messages intended for L1SR2 and L1SR3 have been restored. I'm an idiot. For some reason, L1SR2 was using Stage Message Index 223 for racing the Green Frink Hologram. The messages intended for exiting your vehicle in L1SR2 and L1SR3 was using index 1, rather than index 299. As such, you wouldn't see them if your car got destroyed or you exited your vehicle.
- All Street Race replacements have been re-named from 'Holo-Challenges' to 'Holo-Missions', with all instances of 'Holo-Challenges' or 'Street Races' being updated accordingly. This actually includes the 'Street Races' string used in the game's Level Progress screen that I just...never updated for some odd reason.
The above change is due to the name 'Holo-Challenge' causing the modified mission clear text to flow off the screen when playing on a 640x480 resolution. I wanted to make sure that's still visible regardless of screen resolution.
- Added a new jump sound effect that replaces the old one, taken from Jak II (:Renegade). There's nothing that really influenced this change outside of me just really liking how it sounded and wanting to use it.
- Fixed a typo in the credits near Weasel on a Stick's credit ('Frinoins' instead of 'Frinkoins').
- Intentionally left some of Level 2's assets in this build. If you wanna cheat or poke around a bit and see what the heck it even looks like, feel free! I'm not terribly happy with all of the texturing choices, but it is in a much nicer state now.
Lil_Turnip Haven't heard anything about this mod for a while, any updates on it?
Haven't heard anything about this mod for a while, any updates on it?