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Gamepad Support

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[deleted user]
9 yrs ago (Statistics)
In theory, this should be very possible.

Could be done by recoding the inputs to suit a controller and that to recognize one.


Somehow extract the inputs from the xbox version and fiddle with it.
The game already has gamepad support.
[deleted user]
9 yrs ago (Statistics)
does it?

how do you do it then?
Plug in your controller and use it in game.
[deleted user]
9 yrs ago (Statistics)
Its a bit buggy but its better than nothing
You can reconfigure your controller controls in options
[deleted user]
9 yrs ago (Statistics)
That's not what I meant.

It doesn't control as well as the console version (set aside the version difference).
Put framelimiter on, set it to 60, and it should control fine.