Forum Mod Bakery Docs

The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down

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Homer has a dream where he's on a bus which has to drive around the city keeping its speed above 50 - or else explode!

Includes a Mission 0 like no other - an adaptation of the original joke scene's concept utilising everyone's favourite speed-related Additional Script Functionality commands.

Optionally use Mochapoke's Longbus through mod settings. A significantly more difficult experience awaits those who dare.

Requires at least version 1.25 of the mod launcher. Is decompilable.


1.0 (11th April 2021)
  • Initial release.

2.0 (15th April 2023)
  • General standardisation, optimisation and functional improvement.


[deleted user]
3 yrs ago (Statistics)
This mod reminds me of that movie called Speed 2 except its on a bus and not on a big boat.
Maybe this will give homer the idea to rig the power plants citv to a dvd player, then he wont have to destroy all those power boxes.