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Thinking of Starting to learn how to make mods:- Post of my ideas

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i'm wondering if anyone could tell me how hard it would be to impliement some of the ideas below and on the off chance if any of the cars/ costumes etc have already been made let me know and i'll check them out/ check them off my ideas list

Gamplay Changes

My first idea was a way for cards/ collectables/secrets etc. to be found by interacting with objects rather than to be found in game
for example by pressing action button on the grill in the simpsons backyard (which in the base game just makes a fire animation) a sound file from the show "the burgers are getting cold guys....holy moly" happens and a green light abducts the homer character model into the sky
then screen goes black and when it comes back you have a " i voted for kodos" card or something.

is this something that would be possible or is this something outside the limitations of what can be modded?

i'll update this more with my other ideas asap

Level One & Seven Change Ideas
Possible Costumes For Homer:-
Bowlin' Homer ( Sorry you had to split jacket)
Colonel Homer
Don Homer (That'sa Nicea Doughnut)
Dancin Homer
Bigfoot Homer
Hair Homer ( Simpson And Delliah)
Guy Incognito
Homer As Ganesh ( probably wouldnt do this one if i did find a way of removing apu from the game)
Homer Thompson ( Chainsaw And Hockey Mask)
Homer The Vigilante
Lawn Mowin Homer ( In his wifes sunday dress)
Picnic Homer ( No Disgrace Like Home)
Mr Sparkle ( just the flying head)
Jack in The Box Homer , Robot Homer or Homer Tow Heads ( All from treehouse of horror 2)
Spy Homer ( with the giant hat with the camera in it)

thought of a few others but i think these would be the ones id try and make first.... unless they already exist in the modding community etc

Possible Cars For Homer
New York Sedan (Complete with parking tickets and Wheel Clamp OR just the smashed up varient at end of ep)
Red Barclays Truck
The Crappy RV (Call Of The Simpsons)
The Car From The Country That No Longer Exists ( Homer Plow)

Level 2 & 6
Possible Costumes For Bart:-
Ballet Bart
Bart The General
Bart Wilkes Booth
Boy Scout Bart
Clockwork Orange Bart
Daredevil Bart
Fly Bart
Hall Monitor Bart
Nerd Bart ( Glasses Big Shoes Etc)
1st prize Bart ( Science Fair)
Moleman Bart
Stegosaurus Bart ( Disneys Dinosaurs Parody Scene or DinoBart From Virtual Bart)
Libiyan Bart

Posbbile Cars for Bart:-
Stampy The Elephant ( i dont know if you could have a car as slow as this would need to be )
Lil Lightnin
Bonnie And Clyde's Death Car/ Hitlers Car/ Spirit of St Louis/ Any Car Homers Told Bart Off For Being in

Level 3 Lisa
Possible Lisa Costumes:-
Garden Work Lisa
Gamblin Lisa ( Give Me Some Chips)
Little Miss Lisa ( Either The Pagent Costume Or The Bit With Melted Septer)
Lizard Queen
Military School
Inside Out Lisa ( From The Fog)

Level 4 Marge:-
Poss. Marge Costumes:-
Squirrel Marge ( marge vs Itchy And Scratchy)
Anti Gamblin Marge
Night On The Town Marge ( after homer shoots her in the face with the make up gun)
Auction Marge ( when homer buys the lil bandit)
Mr Burns Picnic Marge ( Hey Brother Pour The Wine)
Church Marge
Vacation Marge ( itchy and scratchy land)

Marge Cars Idea:-
Ruth Powers Car
The Pretzel Wagon

Level 5:-
Replacing Apu With Either:-
Barney Gumble ( Costumes: Vigilante Barney, Bikini Barney, Experiment Barney *with the wires in his head*,Hunter Barney , Margaritaville Barney, Nasa Barney, TarPit Barney) (

Grampa Simpson ( Costumes : Award Show Grampa, Drag Grampa, Date Night Grampa ( MRS BOUVIEAAHHHHH), Old Money Grampa, Young Hellfish Grampa, Simpson and sons tonic Suit Grampa, Love Matic Grampa)
(GRamps Cars: Mini Car he drove for apu in the valentines ep, Car From Barthood, Grampa's Chopper Bike)

Mr Burns ( Costumes: Softball Coach, ALien Burns, Gorilla Chest, Davey Crockett ( Brain on head), God Burns,Mr Snrub, Burns As Marge *bart the heir*, Robo Burns, Vampire Burns)
(Burns Cars: SprooseMoose, Ford Quadricycle, Nuclear Inspection Van, Burns Prize Car ,)

Krusty ( Costumes: Consecutive Hours Krusty From TOH2, Jail Krusty, Kancelled Krusty, Me So Sowwy, Stand Up Krusty, Rory Bellows, Wimbledon Krusty)
(Cars: Krustys Tiny Bike ,Canyanero, )

Ned Flanders ( Costumes: Devil Flanders, Zombie Flanders, Cider Town Ned, 5 Alarm Chilli, Garden Ned ( Freddy Kruger Sheers), Shaven Flanders, Streetcar Flanders, Town Cryer, Scout Troop Leader, Valentines Heart, I Heart webster Ned, Hurricane ned)
(Cars: Ned's Geo, Flandersmobile, Flanders RV, Fire Truck)

Skinner ( Costumes: Astrologer Skinner, Be Sharps, Retired Skinner,Sgt Skinner, Armand)

Other Car Mod Ideas :-

Bus 22a
Lisa Train/ The Majestic Marge
Bear Patrol Van
The Ultimate Behamoth
Chalmers Honda
Child Wellfar Van
Chilli Van
Danger Creamed Corn Truck
Duff Beer Party Bus
Fleet A Pita
Fudge Brothers Ice Cream Van
Hippies On Board Car
Alec Baldwins Humer
Lil Lisa Slurry Storage Truck
Milhouse's Car ( The one he trahses the house with when his parents get divorced)
Molemans Gremlin
Native American Ice Cream Van
Nelsons Soap Box Car
Pyro's Ball ( Luanns Gladiators Bf)
Rat Trap Delivery Van
Seniorville Bus
Senor Ding Dongs Dorbell Fiesta Van
The Ministry Machine

I'd recommend starting small and making little changes to get a feel for how the game works in general and for the different tools and file types. Once you feel comfortable with those, you can begin to use them to built bigger things and make more complex changes. I'd also advise joining the Discord server as it has a ready "#modding-help" channel where you can ask questions and such.

My first idea was a way for cards/ collectables/secrets etc. to be found by interacting with objects rather than to be found in game


then screen goes black and when it comes back you have a " i voted for kodos" card or something.


These ones isn't really doable from what I understand.

for example by pressing action button on the grill in the simpsons backyard (which in the base game just makes a fire animation) a sound file from the show "the burgers are getting cold guys....holy moly" happens and a green light abducts the homer character model into the sky


Oh, that's definitely a good idea. A nice and pretty easy task to get used to editing gags and sound effects, too.
Thanks #Addy i am going to start small with this of course , right now i am going to use this post mainly for getting the idea of what im wanting to do out of my brain and written somewhere kind of thing,
as i know from reading other posts on the forum and comments on mods etc that alot of people dont understand the limitations of what can and cant be done within the game
so i thought if i write down what it is im hoping to achieve, if its something thats outrighgt impossible or something that has already been done then i'll be able to change my ideas accorindgly instead of working myself into a frenzy trying to complete the impossible

i dont know if that message even makes sense but hopefully it does lol :) anyways thankyou for your quick response
ahh i see so the actual gag could work and be implimented but the "end game" for lack of a better phrase couldnt (at least currently)

i know my main idea as such as was to rpelace the apu levels with other characters and cars ( got a few ideas aas to who but unsure yet)
as if the creators have decided to never use apu on screen again i thought, well if they ever gave SHAR the remaster treatment they would remove or replace apu/ kwik E mart missons themselves

like i am aware that it would be possible to replace apu with ned or barney etc, but would it be theoretically possible to repace the kwik E mart with something like the try n save or the monstro mart etc?
like i am aware that it would be possible to replace apu with ned or barney etc, but would it be theoretically possible to repace the kwik E mart with something like the try n save or the monstro mart etc?


Definitely doable but requires modelling skills (for the main part, anyway). Not my area.
#Addy Thankyou you are a massive help, its encouraging to know it can be done idk if i'll ever be at the level where i can do it but knowing that it is possible is a motivator :)