[grid=2] // the number of how many columns before splitting off to a new row. defaults to 2, max is 4. [item] [url=]test[/url] [/item] [item] [url=]test[/url] [/item] [item] [url=]test[/url] [/item] [/grid]
Visual Example (default/g2):
Visual Example (g3):
Visual Example (g4):
Visual Example (g2 with 2x2):
g2 with no spacing:
[grid=;0] // the semicolon specifies we're changing to the spacing. Spacing is the amount of pixels between items. We can omit the number before the semicolon if we only want 2 items on the grid. [item=2] // you can specify how many grid spaces you want to take up, in this case it'll span to the full amount. [img=100][/img] [/item] [item] [img][/img] [/item] [item] [img][/img] [/item] [item] [img][/img] [/item] [item] [img][/img] [/item] [/grid]