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[Mod] Audi R8 1.0.2 (Downloadable, Decompilable)

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So having read the previous two replies, I decided to take a look-see at the inner workings of your mod.

So this car is 2,312,448 triangles (809,216 for the body and 375,808 for each wheel). For reference, that is about 200,000 more triangles than the first 4 levels of the game combined. To clarify the significance of this, levels in this game are about 8 to 10 regions a piece with only about 3 of them loaded at the same time.

It's way higher detail than it needs to be for this or any game, though as you didn't make the model I'm not sure if you can do anything about that.

Also you included a .bak file with the in-game model and the car shop model of the car which doubles the file size of the Mod for no good reason, you can exclude them from the .lmlm file by adding the following line to your Mod's Meta.ini's Compile section:

When a mod is decompilable, it includes all files by default so if you want to leave anything out you have to specify it in that way. The .bak files don't serve a purpose to anyone so it's good to leave them out even if it's decompilable.

Also if you want to reduce the file size further, you can create a CustomFiles.ini in your Mod's root folder and add the following lines to it:

This will redirect the car shop model to the in-game model for the car which should work the same in this case since as far as I can tell these 2 files are the same. If you decide to do this, you can delete the car shop model since it's no longer needed.
[deleted user]
9 yrs ago (Statistics)
@Loren Goodwin That's a lot of triangles...I haven't found any ways of reducing the poly count without seriously reducing the visual fidelity of the model. Are there any config edits that can be made to Hit & Run to improve performance with high-poly models or is it a hard engine limitation? I now know in future to use lower-poly models.

I've removed all unnecessary .bak files and linked the Gil shop model to the in-game model so v1.0.2 is a lot smaller (over 75% smaller).

Thanks for your help.
There's nothing you could do with SHAR to make it handle higher polys better. It's also not an engine limitation, the engine just isn't optimised for higher poly counts. Not to mention that most modern games don't even use that many things in a car model.

Think of it this way, your car uses 2,312,448 polygons whereas Trevor's Canis Bodhi inside GTA V (PC) right now uses 85,000 at most.

Can you show a screenshot/explain how you were reducing your poly count on the model?
[deleted user]
9 yrs ago (Statistics)
I've used the Limited Dissolve function in Blender, which gives results like this. In-game it looks like this. Are there better methods? Was Trevor's Canis Bodhi a straight rip or did you have to reduce the poly count?
This post has been removed.
6 yrs ago (Statistics)
Hi people, i don't know why but when i start to drive the car = No sound
Anyone please?
[deleted user]
6 yrs ago (Statistics)
Going to go ahead and lock the thread since it's been dead for three years and the creator isn't active anymore as far as we know. Sorry about that.