Addy AI-controlled vehicles have the same stats as they do when driven by the player.
Is compatible with the Demo game release. Is decompilable.
1.0 (12t
AI-controlled vehicles have the same stats as they do when driven by the player.
Is compatible with the Demo game release. Is decompilable.
1.0 (12th June 2021)
2.0 (15th April 2023)
- General standardisation, optimization and functional improvement.
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Kenny Giles Oh this is a neat idea! Back when I first rediscovered the game and found the PC release, I was curious if all AI cars shared the same confit as their normal counterparts. Loren corrected me after sho
Oh this is a neat idea! Back when I first rediscovered the game and found the PC release, I was curious if all AI cars shared the same confit as their normal counterparts. Loren corrected me after showing a buffed Black Van and it’s kinda cool to see why Radical had to fudge the numbers for the AI as a cute novelty thing.
Curious: I assume this also gives the AI cars the turning values of the player cars? The AI cars seem to have much more sensitive turning. Would definitely be curious to see how certain destruction objectives play with those values while keeping everything else from the player cars.
Addy Curious: I assume this also gives the AI cars the turning values of the player cars? The AI cars seem to have much more sensitive turning. Would definitely be curious to see how certain destruction ob
Curious: I assume this also gives the AI cars the turning values of the player cars? The AI cars seem to have much more sensitive turning. Would definitely be curious to see how certain destruction objectives play with those values while keeping everything else from the player cars.
Kenny Giles
Yup, everything is the same as the reward vehicle, down to every stat!
xUnknown this is interesting. wonder how much it will change stuff
this is interesting. wonder how much it will change stuff