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Map regions list

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Maps in vanilla SHAR are (with the exception of the TERRA file) composed of different "regions" - chunks of land that are loaded in/out when needed at the discretion of Dyna Load Data - itself formed either through triggers or a script command. I thought having a list of these around to reference when modding (and spend less time rooting through the art folder) would be cool for people so... here.

View list
(Radical file naming scheme: LXYZ - X = Level number, Y = Either R or Z, Z = Number.)
(Generally, "R" regions are RAILS that connect the "Z" ZONE regions which have large recognizable landmarks and such.)

Level 1
I00 = Springfield Elementary School interior.
I01 = Kwik-E-Mart interior.
I02 = Simpsons' house interior.

R1  = The generic suburban area that connects the Simpsons' house road to the Kwik-E-Mart road.
R2  = Place around the Church.
R3  = 636/939 bridge through the rich side up until the road where Burns' manor would be.
R4A = The Stonecutters' Hidden Tunnel.
R4B = Interior and backyard of Burns' manor.
R6  = Tire fire, barn, tomacco field and Springfield Nuclear Power Plant parking lot.
R7  = Cemetary and orange bridge.

Z1  = Simpsons' house road.
Z2  = Kwik-E-Mart area.
Z3  = Springfield Elementary School area.
Z4  = Tiny chunk of the rich side + Burns' manor front.
Z6  = Springfield Nuclear Power Plant interior.
Z7  = Trailer park area.

Level 2
I03 = DMV interior.
I04 = Moe's interior.

R1  = Construction site/Fire Station area.
R2  = Trainyard.
R3  = Matlock Expressway.
R4  = Stadium.
Z1  = Town square.
Z2  = Legitimate Businessman's Social Club/Moe's/carwash area.
Z3  = Try-N-Save area.
Z4  = Sit-N-Rotate/Monorail/Police Station area.

Level 3
I05    = Android's Dungeon and Baseball Cards Shop interior.
I06    = Observatory interior.

R1     = Gas Station hill.
R2     = Mr. Burns' Casino.
R3     = C-Spanker.
R4     = Springfield Sign.
R5     = Dam.
R5_dam = More dam.
Z1     = Android's Dungeon and Baseball Cards Shop area.
Z2     = Aztec Theatre/Bowlerama area.
Z3     = Chunk of the Squidport + beach + lighthouse.
Z4     = Duff Brewery + KrustyLu Studious.
Z5     = Observatory hill.

Level 4
I00 = Springfield Elementary School interior.
I01 = Kwik-E-Mart interior.
I02 = Simpsons' house interior.
I07 = Bart's room.

R1  = The generic suburban area that connects the Simpsons' house road to the Kwik-E-Mart road.
R2  = Place around the Church.
R3  = 636/939 bridge through the rich side up until the road where Burns' manor would be.
R4A = The Stonecutters' Hidden Tunnel.
R4B = Interior and backyard of Burns' manor.
R6  = Tire fire, barn, tomacco field and Springfield Nuclear Power Plant parking lot.
R7  = Cemetary and orange bridge.

Z1  = Simpsons' house road.
Z2  = Kwik-E-Mart area.
Z3  = Springfield Elementary School area.
Z4  = Tiny chunk of the rich side + Burns' manor front.
Z6  = Springfield Nuclear Power Plant interior.
Z7  = Trailer park area.

Level 5
I03 = DMV interior.
I04 = Moe's interior.

R1  = Construction site/Fire Station area.
R2  = Trainyard.
R3  = Matlock Expressway.
R4  = Stadium.
Z1  = Town square.
Z2  = Legitimate Businessman's Social Club/Moe's/carwash area.
Z3  = Try-N-Save area.
Z4  = Sit-N-Rotate/Monorail/Police Station area.

Level 6
I05    = Android's Dungeon and Baseball Cards Shop interior.
I06    = Observatory interior.

R1     = Gas Station hill.
R2     = Mr. Burns' Casino.
R3     = C-Spanker.
R4     = Springfield Sign.
R5     = Dam.
R5_dam = More dam.
Z1     = Android's Dungeon and Baseball Cards Shop area.
Z2     = Aztec Theatre/Bowlerama area.
Z3     = Chunk of the Squidport + beach + lighthouse.
Z4     = Duff Brewery + KrustyLu Studious.
Z5     = Observatory hill.

Level 7
I00 = Springfield Elementary School interior.
I01 = Kwik-E-Mart interior.
I02 = Simpsons' house interior.
I07 = Bart's room.

R1  = The generic suburban area that connects the Simpsons' house road to the Kwik-E-Mart road.
R2  = Place around the Church.
R3  = Remains of the rich side.
R6  = Tire fire, barn, tomacco field and Springfield Nuclear Power Plant parking lot.
R7  = Cemetary and orange bridge.

Z1  = Simpsons' house road.
Z2  = Kwik-E-Mart area.
Z3  = Springfield Elementary School area.
Z7  = Trailer park area.
This is definitely going to prove helpful, nice work!
Thank you! Glad I could be helpful!
Lol you're a time saver, thanky Addy!
I've been willing to make such a thing for myself looooong ago. And somebody finally did it! Thanks a lot!!!

Happy modding!