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Aligning Lights?

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[deleted user]
9 yrs ago (Statistics)
I'm trying to allign the reverse lights, breaklights and headlights on Frink's Hovercar to fit a different model. I'm changing the "brake1", "brake2", "break3", "break4" (breaklights); "rev1", "rev2", "rev3", "rev4" (reverse lights), "hll", "hlr" (headlights) in "frink_v" (Skeleton) but my changes do not show up in-game. What else do I need to do to get them to show up? I managed to allign them in my Audi R8 mod but I can't reproduce the steps that led to it working. What else needs to be done?

Make sure you're not editing the skeleton with BV on the end, otherwise I'm not sure why it wouldn't be working.
[deleted user]
9 yrs ago (Statistics)
I'm definitely editing the "frink_v" skeleton. I can successfully move the damage smoke by changing the co-ordinates of "sl" but I can't move any of the lights. Could it have something to do with the Mapped Joint Index number? Here is the file if you can find time to have a look. Thanks