...Level 7's Area 939/Rich Side and Nuclear Power Plant interiors open and working!? :O :D
I know... That's just a speculating guess, but Colou did mention about considering even the Halloween variant for his FCM mod along with sunset and night ones, didn't he? So that's why I suddenly got the feeling of impression it might work, since his mod is the entire map of Springfield after all. ^^' *I dance in a bit of excitement*
Well if that is true... Let's hope so! Just imagine what it would look, seeing the complete Area 939/Rich Side and Nuclear Power Plant interiors from Levels 1 and 4 at Halloween time? There better be themed stuff put around them too, like spider webs, ghosts, pumpkins, gravestones and so on.
Will Colou's Fully Connected Map mod have...
Posted in The Simpsons: Hit & Run
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30978 ...Level 7's Area 939/Rich Side and Nuclear Power Plant interiors open and working!? :O :D
I know... That's just a speculating guess, but Colou did mention about considering even the Hall
mazzy I don't want to spoil much but yes... the Pastry Commune (mainly Mochapoke & TheButterApple) are working on something like that and we're hoping to release it soon!
I don't want to spoil much but yes... the Pastry Commune (mainly Mochapoke & TheButterApple) are working on something like that and we're hoping to release it soon!