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How does the Car Renamer tool work?

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Lucas's Car Renamer app for Simpsons H&R. I downloaded it, extracted it and saw its window for the first time, but... Its options are greyed out. Is it because the application is not in the right destination or something? And how does the tool work for renaming the game's vehicle names?

Here's my list of planning to correct or note which car names:
* "Armored Truck" to Armoured Truck.
* "Honor Roller" to Honour Roller.
* "Burns Armored Truck" to Burns Armoured Truck.
* Green "Sedan" to Sedan (Moe).
* Yellow "Sedan" to Sedan (Skinner).
* Chase "Police Car" to Police Car (Dummy).

Note: About the Police Car, no it's not one of the main 42 vehicles (with Chief Wiggum as the driver or not), it's the other Police Car containing a "dummy driver" in it, which is the one that chases after you while during a Hit & Run in Levels 1-6. Also for the Honour Roller, yeah I know also that it has its name on the vehicle's sides too, which is a graphic one that won't be affected by its text name I alter.
That tool is a legacy tool for renaming the internal names of cars (such as "famil_v" which is the internal name of the "Family Sedan") and its functionality has since been integrated into the Pure3D Editor (hence it's legacy status).

To accomplish what you're trying to do, I suggest looking into making a mod that uses the Custom Text hack.
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Oh OK, I could try something like that.