Skip Camera pan by pre run setup?
Posted in The Simpsons: Hit & Run
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HomerOfSteel I speedrun this game and for the category NG+, in the rules it says than you can use skipping camera pan by use pre run setup so I don't know what it means. Anyone can help me please?
I speedrun this game and for the category NG+, in the rules it says than you can use skipping camera pan by use pre run setup so I don't know what it means. Anyone can help me please?
mazzy Hii, sorry for getting late to you. I believe that is refering to the SKippable Start Cameras hack/setting in the launcher.
You can enable it by going to the Settings tab in your Launcher then scroll
Hii, sorry for getting late to you. I believe that is refering to the SKippable Start Cameras hack/setting in the launcher.
You can enable it by going to the Settings tab in your Launcher then scrolling down until you find the setting.
Hope this helps!
You can enable it by going to the Settings tab in your Launcher then scrolling down until you find the setting.

Addy Hii, sorry for getting late to you. I believe that is refering to the SKippable Start Cameras hack/setting in the launcher.
You can enable it by going to the Settings tab in your Launcher then scrolli
Hii, sorry for getting late to you. I believe that is refering to the SKippable Start Cameras hack/setting in the launcher.
You can enable it by going to the Settings tab in your Launcher then scrolling down until you find the setting.
Correction: that hack is banned. The rules are referring to an ingame glitch which is tutorialed here:
This glitch can be carried through to the main menu, therefore you can activate it, exit to the main menu, load the game, and then continue.
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HomerOfSteel Thanks for the answer :)
Thanks for the answer :)