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Harsher Lighting: Level 3

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Harsher Lights: Level 3 is a small edit to the directional lights on level 3.

it aims to warm up the colours on characters a little bit and try to give more presence to the sunset.
I have attempted to stay within the same luminosity levels as the stock settings as i want this to be a more subtle change.



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Edit: I don't know how the spoiler tags work sorry.
This is a pretty nice little subtle edit that goes a long way!

I honestly was never a huge fan of Level 3's lighting. It's another one of those things that are kinda difficult for me to easily describe. I don't think Level 3 looks as visually appealing as the Levels before it and the Levels that follow after it. The characters just simply don't feel as 'sun-drenched' as the background feels like they should be. It's a really stupid nitpick, but when you analyze this game this hard for several years, it's something you inevitably end up nitpicking.

I wouldn't say it's my least favorite Level due to the nostalgia I have for it and the work I've done on it as well (and there are some fairly decent missions in it - Bonfire of the Manatees and Nerd Race Queen come to mind), but it's not my favorite. This is a welcome improvement in my eyes! It's nice to see more experimentation with lighting. From the screenshots alone, I prefer your edits.

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nice work. looks good you planning to do any more? ur on fire atm with all these mods at the moment lol
Thanks for the positive replys, it is encouraging.

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Yep haha, i bet it wont be long before i start looking at things and noticing the quirks of the game.
one theory i have is that the games events take place in a singe day starting late morning and ending at midnight. i know this isn't the case, newspapers and Bart going missing.
I find it interesting how the time of day progresses as the levels go on.

experimentation with lighting is the key with this mod, trying to learn what things do, been having fun.
an earlier version of this, i was moving the light positions around to lean even more into the sun lighting the level.
Initially i was happy with this effect, but after a while of driving around the map it started to get distracting for gameplay.

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I think i could turn this mod into something that affects all levels in some way. Level 3 jumped out at me, i would need to think about the other levels.
Noticed that the directional lights tend to ignore the position of the sun/moon in the skyboxes, so that's something to think about.

a problem i have at the moment is that the edits over-wright the level's "TERRA.p3d" file, not so good for compatibility with other mods.
if i wanted to work on this mod more, i think i will need to learn some Lua scripting.
It wouldn't hurt to make this visual mod more dynamic in applying its changes.
until then it will stay the way it is for now, at least while i work on other projects.