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Chase Sedan Paradise

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Introducing Chase Sedan Paradise
Welcome to Chase Sedan Paradise a mod inspired by RBD's Some Changes & More Chase Sedans, which adds chase sedans in to almost every mission in the game, and even adds some custom missions in to the mix which revolve around chase sedans.

Watch The Trailer

The mod also comes with an awesome custom introductory movie which you should watch.

Download Version 1.0
Nice banner graphic, +1 for that. As for the mod, i'll check it out once i've installed the game.
Lovely looking mod! Will give it a try when i can.
Good to see positive feedback so far.
Um....In Level 5 Mission 2 (And Mission 6) It Say's To Destroy The Duff Truck....But It's Isn't A Duff Truck....It's a Chase Sedan
Btw I Can't Destroy It But I Know That I Have To Run Away From The Chase Sedan ;)

But Anyway Your Mod ROCKS! ;D
[deleted user]
9 yrs ago (Statistics)
Hello it's me, From the second Account.
And i didn't expect that someone will "Recreate" My mod, However mod is Great.
@GordonRBD I am glad it gets your aproval. Was a bit concerned at first that you might get mad at me for making a mod similar to yours.
[deleted user]
9 yrs ago (Statistics)
Also, want to add that my mod have 3 Parts
1: Chase Sedans
2: Returning of some unused things
3: Custom Location, and repaint of somethings(Like newspappers, or Pinky Wrench)
So, you maked the First part Separately from the others(With Some updates).
What's with everyone wanting to have those damn pink wrenches? Is it so damn wrong that i want an iPhone Wrench?