It's a couple days early, but here is my mod for the 2021 Thanksgive-a-thon. It took me about 1 ¼ days to make. It's called "Happy Pranksgiving&q
It's a couple days early, but here is my mod for the 2021 Thanksgive-a-thon. It took me about 1 ΒΌ days to make. It's called "Happy Pranksgiving".
What's in this Mod?
1. You get to play as bart.
2. 7 collector cards.
3. 3 Story Missions + Tutorial Mission.
New Vehicle
Ferrini - Thanksgiving
Known Issues
A glitch happens when you reset L1 M3.
Merged Post: Download link for Happy Pranksgiving is now available.
I realized that I forgot to put the download link for Happy Pranksgiving. I was extremely busy. The download link is available for playing the mod. I apologize for the inconvenience.
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DOWNLOAD LINK: 2,286 views ·
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mazzy I think you forgot the download link, unless it's yet to be released.
I think you forgot the download link, unless it's yet to be released.
Yes I forgot. Thank you Maz for pointing that out. The download link should be available.
The quoted post is unavailable.
Yes I forgot. Thank you Maz for pointing that out. The download link should be available.
This post has been removed.
Just Danny Sorry but the download link doesn't work for me, it takes me to the home page of
The link got updated and works now, thanks! :)
Sorry but the download link doesn't work for me, it takes me to the home page of
The link got updated and works now, thanks! :)
AndrewHarris109 Another update on the mod. Download link is available, if course. I might release a small update on this mod next week. Mostly to improve gameplay a little bit. So yeah.
Another update on the mod. Download link is available, if course. I might release a small update on this mod next week. Mostly to improve gameplay a little bit. So yeah.
mazzy I've gotten my chance to play this mod & here's some feedback. (which hopefully helps when you're going to improve the gameplay!)
The main story itself, it was nice & eventful,
I've gotten my chance to play this mod & here's some feedback. (which hopefully helps when you're going to improve the gameplay!)
The main story itself, it was nice & eventful, it was quite confusing as to why there were chase sedans around krusty burger though.
One other thing I have noticed is that the main vehicle doesn't have any sound & camera data. If you're not sure how to add any of that, for the sound you'll have to edit the
car_tune.spt script
(inside of CustomFiles/sound/scripts/) and for the camera data, you'll have to edit the vehicle's p3d file & edit the (usually first) two Car Camera Data Chunks, change their index to a number between from 97 to 255 (both included) & then set up the a
CustomCarSupport.ini file.
I generally think it's a nice mod, but
could really be polished a little!