Like I said on the poll, I would require assistance to make this work.
So how do I play different movies based on the difficulty setting exactly? As of now, I only redirected the path to vuglogo.rmv to a Lua script via the CustomFiles.ini and created a few RMV movies like in Donut Mod. When I went to launch the game, my RMV movie was skipped and the intro to my mod plays normally. Anything I'm missing?
Hate to bump this, but those who really want those new movies are going to get physically insane if I don't have the knowledge to play those intro movies in my mod... hope I survive.
Play different movies depending on difficulty?
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Surreal Bot Like I said on the poll, I would require assistance to make this work.
So how do I play different movies based on the difficulty setting exactly? As of now, I only redirected the path to vuglogo.rm
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Loren First of all, that won't cause anyone ever to go physically insane. Not even sure what the heck that means.
Second store your difficulty setting in a variable somewhere since it'll never
First of all, that won't cause anyone ever to go physically insane. Not even sure what the heck that means.
Second store your difficulty setting in a variable somewhere since it'll never change and it's more efficient this way, probably add this to CustomFiles.lua:
[code]Difficulty = GetSetting("Difficulty")[/code]
Then handle vuglogo.rmv with this script:
[code]Redirect("/GameData/movies/custommoviefilename" .. tostring(Difficulty) .. ".rmv")[/code]
Then you'd have the following list of movie files:
- custommoviefilename0.rmv
- custommoviefilename1.rmv
And so on depending on how many difficulties you have.
You probably want to add this to CustomFiles.ini as well to disable the other company logos:
Second store your difficulty setting in a variable somewhere since it'll never change and it's more efficient this way, probably add this to CustomFiles.lua:
[code]Difficulty = GetSetting("Difficulty")[/code]
Then handle vuglogo.rmv with this script:
[code]Redirect("/GameData/movies/custommoviefilename" .. tostring(Difficulty) .. ".rmv")[/code]
Then you'd have the following list of movie files:
- custommoviefilename0.rmv
- custommoviefilename1.rmv
And so on depending on how many difficulties you have.
You probably want to add this to CustomFiles.ini as well to disable the other company logos:
Surreal Bot My script was already set to something like that. Even by changing my script to use the slightly more specific one you provided (the difference being that in my script, the .. tostring(Difficulty) ..
My script was already set to something like that. Even by changing my script to use the slightly more specific one you provided (the difference being that in my script, the [code].. tostring(Difficulty) ..[/code] part isn't there) didn't fix the issue.
Here's a question for me to take note of. Is "GameData" a folder located somewhere or just another way of saying "CustomFiles"? Because no matter where I put my GameData folder, results don't change. Same goes for when I simply placed my RMV movie somewhere in my CustomFiles folder.
Here's a question for me to take note of. Is "GameData" a folder located somewhere or just another way of saying "CustomFiles"? Because no matter where I put my GameData folder, results don't change. Same goes for when I simply placed my RMV movie somewhere in my CustomFiles folder.
Loren /GameData/ allows access to files the CustomFiles folder of any enabled mod and then the game's install directory (excluding the content of RCF files).
So basically in this case it'd redire
/GameData/ allows access to files the CustomFiles folder of any enabled mod and then the game's install directory (excluding the content of RCF files).
So basically in this case it'd redirect to a movie in any enabled mod's CustomFiles folder or one in the game's folder (if there isn't one in any mod) or nothing (if there isn't one in either place).
So basically in this case it'd redirect to a movie in any enabled mod's CustomFiles folder or one in the game's folder (if there isn't one in any mod) or nothing (if there isn't one in either place).
Surreal Bot Thank you for clarifying. I have it working as intended now!
(Man, I ALMOST forgot to thank you...)
Thank you for clarifying. I have it working as intended now!
(Man, I ALMOST forgot to thank you...)
(Man, I ALMOST forgot to thank you...)