I downloaded a New map, So, I Found a Easter egg
I'm the only one who found this Easter Egg?
Easter Egg in Jungle Falls?
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[deleted user] I downloaded a New map, So, I Found a Easter egg
I'm the only one who found this Easter Egg?
[deleted user] haven't seen it, but that is awesome to find! Great job!
haven't seen it, but that is awesome to find! Great job!
Fluffy There's more to find in that map. I hid a bonus vehicle, tell me if you find it.
There's more to find in that map. I hid a bonus vehicle, tell me if you find it.
[deleted user] I'll update topic, when I find more.
I'll update topic, when I find more.
jrburger95 I found that and the bonus vehicle before this thread
I found that and the bonus vehicle before this thread
Shiinyu I call bullshit unless you upload pictures as proof that you ATLEAST found them.
I call bulls*** unless you upload pictures as proof that you ATLEAST found them.
jrburger95 Ok here is proof.
Me with the easter egg:
Me driving the bonus:
Ok here is proof.
Me with the easter egg:
Me driving the bonus:
Me with the easter egg:
Me driving the bonus:
Shiinyu Eh okay, you know where they are, i'll give you that.
Eh okay, you know where they are, i'll give you that.
Fluffy I should update that mod and include some new secrets
I should update that mod and include some new secrets
Kenny Giles If you make a Wizpig race somehow with him on his missile from the second race, I'd love to see it.
Jake had actually told me about the ATV being hidden in the water, but this is the first time
If you make a Wizpig race somehow with him on his missile from the second race, I'd love to see it.
Jake had actually told me about the ATV being hidden in the water, but this is the first time I've heard about the "Jake was here" easter egg. I feel like Jake is trying to continue a tradition with a silly little Easter Egg I set up in L3M4...
Oop. Did I say too much?
Jake had actually told me about the ATV being hidden in the water, but this is the first time I've heard about the "Jake was here" easter egg. I feel like Jake is trying to continue a tradition with a silly little Easter Egg I set up in L3M4...
Oop. Did I say too much?