AlfredoAndFriends How Do I export the models from shar into blender and using the Lucas Addon to blender because every time when I use blender the models and the addon doesn't work for me I'm trying to make a
How Do I export the models from shar into blender and using the Lucas Addon to blender because every time when I use blender the models and the addon doesn't work for me I'm trying to make a custom vehicle.
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mazzy What Blender version are you using?
If you're on a 2.9+ version, refer to this link.
Otherwise, download it from the mod bakery.
Once you're done setting up the addon, right click your
What Blender version are you using?
If you're on a 2.9+ version, refer to
this link.
Otherwise, download it from
the mod bakery.
Once you're done setting up the addon,
right click your
Mesh chunk and click
"Export Model XML..." to save your mesh.
Then, in Blender, click on
File ->
Import ->
Lucas' Pure3D Editor Model (.xml) & then select your file.
I hope this helps!
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